Panama: Business & Tax Haven of the Americas
Table of Contents
The Commercial Staff of the U.S. Embassy in Panama
I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMERCIAL OVERVIEW Panama has always been a country of traders. In the 1600s, the Atlantic city of Portobelo was Spainžs major port and a marketplace for gold, silver, and other goods being transported from the Americas. The Transisthmian Railroad, built by American investors in the 1850s, established Panama as the principal location to transport goods between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The inauguration of the Panama Canal in 1914 ensured Panama's position as a major trading nation for the twentieth century. Since 1948, when the first free zone of the Americas was opened in the Atlantic city of Colon, Panamanian businesses have continued supplying larger markets north and south with just about everything from toys and fragrances to advanced electronics and major appliances. Given Panama's central geographic location in the Western Hemisphere, its government and business community actively promote this country's long-standing reputation as an international trading, banking, and services center, and as a site for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Panamanian business people and officials can point to Panama's dollar-based economy as offering low inflation and zero foreign exchange risk. Due to the evolution and composition of Panama's economy, the extent and nature of local competition is very limited in most of the non-service sectors. Although the United States is Panama's most important trade partner and U.S. products have a high degree of acceptance in Panama, competition from third countries is particularly strong in certain sectors such as: telecommunications equipment, automobiles, heavy construction equipment, consumer electronics, computers, apparel, gifts and novelty products. Panama's merchandise impots grew in 1994 by 11.3 percent over 1993 to a total of US$ 2,202 million, up significantly from the yearly growth rate of 7.6 percent registered in 1993. The value of Panama's total merchandise exports in 1994 climbed 4.9 percent over 1993 to a total of US$ 531.9 million. Increased export earnings from bananas, fishmeal, shrimp and sugar accounted for most of the increase. Bananas accounted for 38.7 percent of total merchandise exports. Panama's economy is based primarily on a well-developed services sector that accounts for 70 percent of GDP. Services include the Panama Canal, offshore and domestic banking, the Colon Free Zone, insurance, government, and the transisthmian oil pipeline. Manufacturing, mining, utilities, and construction together account for 19 percent of GDP. Manufacturing is principally geared to production of items such as processed foods, clothing, chemical products, and construction materials for the domestic market. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries make up the remaining 11 percent of GDP. BUSINESS TRENDS AND OPPORTUNITIES Business practices and attitudes in Panama are similar to those in the U.S. American television and radio programs, and U.S. magazines are all available and popular in Panama. Panamanians frequently travel to the U.S. for vacation, study, and business. Their buying patterns and tastes are similar to ours. U.S. products and services are well accepted and remain competitive in the local market. Panama has the highest per capita GDP in Central America. The majority of income is skewed to a relatively small, consumer goods-oriented, economically powerful class. Their upper-middle and upper-class families have high levels of disposable income. They are interested in purchasing high quality, trend-setting goods; price is less of a factor in purchasing an item for this class than for the middle- to-lower income classes. The availability of the U.S. dollar as legal currency and somewhat lower import duties have helped U.S. products remain price competitive in recent years. Other foreign imports, however, are slicing a greater market share of the pie because of their increasingly higher quality at competitive prices. Growth prospects for U.S. goods and services for the next three years correlate directly with continued growth of the Panamanian economy, which recently has shown signs of weakening. The Panamanian economy has potential for substantial growth in the areas of: electric power generation, health care services, mining exploration and operations, port construction and operation, land development, road construction and rehabilitation, telecommunications and tourism. TRADE AND INVESTMENT CLIMATE Panama has no restrictions on the outflow of capital or outward direct investment. The Government of Panama (GOP), has demonstrated its commitment to trade liberalization since taking office in 1994. President Ernesto Perez Balladares has pressed for trade liberalization in the National Assembly and has advanced negotiations for Panama to join the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT/WTO). The current governmentžs economic reform program, begun by the previous administration in 1990 after agreement with the International Financial Institutions, has faced legal obstacles. Attempts to eliminate import permits and reference prices were challenged in the Supreme Court. Efforts currently underway to reform Panamažs antiquated, pro- union Labor Code have provoked controversy. The Perez Balladares government has pressed forward with reforms but continues to face formidable opposition from some industrial, agricultural, and labor organizations. The GOP has supported its GATT/WTO negotiations by submitting draft legislation to lower tariffs, remove non-tariff barriers to imports, reduce producer subsidies, prohibit anti-competitive and monopoly practices, and strengthen intellectual property protection. The passage in June, 1995, of the "Universalization of Tax Incentive Bill" was an important step forward in Panama's progress towards GATT/WTO membership. Government regulation and occasional intervention in the Panamanian economy have tended to reduce transparency, hinder competition and hamper the efficient allocation of investment. The government's economic liberalization program has been designed to reduce these distortions and increase competition and competitiveness, but has fallen short in some areas. Modification of Panamažs Labor Code, one of the most pro- organized labor regimes in the world, is currently (as of July 1995) the subject of a vigorous dialogue between labor representatives and the Perez Balladares government , which is pressing for a more business-friendly labor code. The combination of relatively high costs for both utilities and labor makes unit production costs higher than average for the region. Also, investors complain of burdensome and excessive registration and licensing requirements, although the Government of Panama is trying, via the "one-stop shopping" concept, to make its regulations more investor-friendly for those producing for export. II. ECONOMIC TRENDS AND OUTLOOK MAJOR TRENDS AND OUTLOOK The Perez Balladares government is attempting to implement key economic policy reforms to liberalize the trade regime, privatize state-owned enterprises, and foster job-creation through labor code reforms. Despite this, the rate of economic growth is declining, due in part to hemispheric-wide impact of the Mexican peso crisis. During 1994, Panama's rate of growth followed a downward trend from the high rates of 1990-92. The Panamanian Comptroller-General's office estimates Panama's 1994 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 4.7 percent in real terms, to an estimated nominal level of US$ 6.96 billion. This is down from growth of 5.4 percent in 1993, 8.6 percent in 1992, and 9.6 percent in 1991 when the economy was rebounding from the Noriega crisis. The construction sector (6.5 percent growth), the Colon Free Zone (CFZ) (10.6 percent growth), and financial services (6 percent growth) continued to fuel the economy. In the first half of 1995, the rate of growth has continued decelerating, with construction starts off significantly and CFZ re-exports showing no growth for the first 4 months of the year. Real GDP growth of 2.3 percent is projected for 1995 and 2.4 percent in 1996. These growth rates, while substantially less than GDP growth in 1990- 1994, are in line with Panamažs trend-growth rate of 2.5 to 3.0 percent in real terms. Panama needs a real growth rate of 5.0 to address the country's chronic unemployment problem adequately. Private construction and capital goods spending will continue to be keys to growth in the near-term. Decisive policy reforms to change the balance of incentives in the economy and lay the foundation for sustainable long term growth through 1996 and beyond are expected to continue to be the central theme of the Perez Balladares administration. Many of the needed reforms could take shape in the context of Panama's accession to the GATT/WTO, which has been the subject of active negotiations with the U.S. and other GATT members since April 1994. The Government of Panama hopes it will be able to become a full GATT/WTO member as early as the end of 1995. One major piece of legislation designed to remove barriers to Panamažs GATT/WTO accession, as well as reorder the balance of incentives in the economy was passed by the Legislative Assembly in June 1995. The bill, awkwardly titled the "Universalization of Fiscal Incentives to Production," removes some of the market fixing mechanisms that Panamažs protected, monopolistic industry used to exclude foreign competition. The bill also reforms the tax subsidy and incentives regimes, granting any producer, regardless of size, the same tax breaks on imports of inputs and capital goods. It creates tax breaks for investments in high technology fields and for investment in infrastructure improvements and training of the workforce. In addition to the GoPžs need to reform its economy, two other huge challenges face the Perez Balladares administration during its five year term: utilizing efficiently the 70,000 acres of land and roughly 4800 buildings which will be reverting to Panama from the U.S. military during the 1995-1999 period; and laying the groundwork to assume full control of the Panama Canal in the twenty-first century. PRINCIPAL GROWTH SECTORS Panama's economy is based primarily on a well-developed services sector that accounts for 70 percent of GDP. Services include the Panama Canal, banking, insurance, government, the Colon Free Zone, and the transisthmian oil pipeline. Manufacturing, mining, utilities, and construction together account for 19.5 percent of GDP. Manufacturing is principally geared to production of items such as processed foods, clothing, chemical products, and construction materials for the domestic market. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries account for the remaining 10.5 percent of GDP. Principal primary products include bananas, shrimp, sugar, coffee, meat, dairy products, tropical fruits, rice, corn, and beans. The sectors of the Panamanian economy with the greatest potential for substantial growth are mining, tourism and maritime services. The Primary Sector Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries and mining grew 3.9 percent in 1994. Agricultural production declined 1.1 percent; value added in banana production increased 6.0 percent. A fall in Honduran banana production favored Panamanian bananas. Despite this increase, prospects for growth remain bleak as import restriction enacted by the European Union have diminished exports to that traditional Panamanian market and flooded other markets with cheap produce. Bananas remain Panama's primary agricultural product and merchandise export, accounting for 45 percent of agricultural value-added. Exports of non-traditional products, especially melons, have increased substantially in percentage terms, and continue to show significant potential for growth. Production is, however, on a small scale and suffers from lack of significant capital investment. Panama's mining sector has the potential for substantial growth, too. Panama has large copper reserves and boasts two of the largest undeveloped copper deposits in the world. Other minerals with commercial potential are gold, silver, and manganese. During 1995 an abandoned gold mine in the Veraguas province was returned to service using new leaching technology. Mining investments in Panama are aided by a favorable mining law, drafted in 1988, which encourages participation by foreign investors. Manufacturing and Construction Geared largely for domestic consumption, manufacturing activity is concentrated in the production of food products, beverages, construction materials, clothing, consumer products, and intermediate goods. Panamažs manufacturing industry, which has been protected by decades of high tariffs and fiscal incentives, is not competitive in the international marketplace. Production of food products and beverages accounted for 70 percent of 1994 value added in manufacturing. Overall manufacturing output increased by 4.5 percent in 1994, paced by continuing demand for construction materials. Construction activity grew 6.5 percent in 1994, down from 32 percent in 1993 and 56 percent growth in 1992. The rate of growth of new construction permits issued in the Panama City area in the first quarter of 1995 was substantially down from 1994, but continues to show some growth. Continuing demand for construction materials will stimulate manufacturing output, especially of cement, steel rebar, concrete block, and related products. Banking and Finance Panama's international banking center consists of 108 banks, of which 62 are general license banks, 30 are international license (offshore) banks, and 16 are representative offices. Two of the general license banks -- the National Bank of Panama and the National Savings Bank -- are government-owned. U.S. banks with a presence in Panama include Citibank, Chase Manhattan, and First National Bank of Boston. Total banking center deposits increased by US$ 4.8 billion (22.4 percent) to US$ 26 billion in December 1994 from December 1993; external deposits increased by US$ 3.5 billion, internal deposits by US$ 1.2 billion. Total assets expanded by US$ 6.7 billion (25.8 percent) to US$ 32.8 billion; external loans increased by US$ 2.4 billion (24 percent) and domestic lending expanded by US$ 616 million (10 percent). Lending to the private sector increased by US$ 697 million. The largest increases in private sector lending went to finance commerce (US$ 308 million), consumer spending (US$ 108 million) and housing (US$ 151 million). Total assets of Panama's offshore banks increased by US$ 1.57 billion (33 percent) as both deposits and loan portfolios increased. In the first three months of 1995, total assets of the banking center increased by an additional US$ 208 million. Panama Canal Panama Canal business rose in calendar year 1994 compared to 1993. Oceangoing transits increased 2.6 percent to 12,671 or 34.7 vessels daily, and Panama Canal net tonnage, on which tolls are assessed, jumped 7.9 percent. Toll revenue rose 3.1 percent to US$ 425. During the first five months of 1995, oceangoing transits increased 11 percent and toll revenue was up by 12.1 percent relative to the same period of 1994, reflecting economic recovery in Japan and Europe and strong demand for U.S. grain in Asia. The outlook for 1995 is for continued strong growth with more moderate growth (1-3 percent) in both tonnage and toll revenue projected for 1996. Work on expanding the canalžs capacity by widening the Gaillard cut to two lanes continues. Oil Pipeline Panama's transisthmian oil pipeline (PTP-Petroterminales de Panama, S.A.) is a joint U.S. - Panama venture. Forty percent is owned by the Government of Panama while 60% is owned by two U.S. companies (Chicago Bridge and Northville Terminals). Pipeline revenues declined 8.7 percent in 1994 after declining 46 percent in 1993; its contribution to real GDP fell to 0.7 percent in 1994 from 3.0 percent in 1990. Declining revenues from declining usage of the pipeline reflect a decrease in Alaskan oil production, an increase in consumption of Alaskan oil in California and some competition from U.S. pipelines. The outlook for 1995 and beyond is for further decline as the U.S. Congress recently rescinded the ban on the export of Alaskan crude, allowing exports to Japan and the far east. At present PTP is operating at only 10 percent of capacity. PTP is devising a survival strategy based on diversification into other activities. In June 1995, PTP signed a contract with the Government of Panama allowing it to expand the pipeline's terminal ports at Chiriqui Grande on the Caribbean and Puerto Armuelles on the Pacific into general cargo ports. PTP has had some success in obtaining spot contracts to pump Ecuadoran crude across the isthmus for export to the U.S. Gulf coast. PTP also uses its installed generating capacity to sell electricity to IRHE, the Panamanian electricity utility. Colon Free Trade Zone Established in 1948, at the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal, the Colon Free Zone (CFZ) is the largest of its kind in Latin America and rivals Hong Kong in overall activity. Laundering of cocaine profits, drug trafficking and piracy of intellectual property are major problems in the CFZ. Total imports to the CFZ reached US$ 5.0 billion in 1994, an increase of 11.5 percent over 1993; total re-exports climbed 11.8 percent to US$ 5.7 billion, up from US$ 5.11 billion in 1993. CFZ trade continued to grow during the first three months of 1995, though political wrangling over a tax increase brought a downturn in re-exports during April. Despite this one month downturn, CFZ trade will likely continue to show solid growth during 1995 as it has already made many of the adjustments necessary to deal with market liberalization in Latin America. U.S. exports to the Colon Free Zone totaled approximately US$ 370 million in 1994. CFZ data for the first four months of 1995 show imports of US$ 1.65 billion and re-exports of US$ 1.83 billion, an increase of 15.9 percent over imports during the same period of 1994 and no increase in exports over the same period of 1994. Net CFZ contributions to the Panamanian economy (re-exports less imports) increased to US$ 686.5 million in 1994 from US$ 611 million in 1993 (net CFZ shipments reflect movements in exchange rates and inventories as well as market conditions). The CFZ's contribution to real GDP increased to 9.2 percent in 1994 from 8.6 percent in 1993. Itžs contribution to GDP is expected to remain stable in 1995. Commerce and Tourism Commerce and tourism, which include restaurants, hotels, and wholesale and retail activities, grew 3.4 percent in 1994. Increases in personal consumption were reflected in brisk sales by retail businesses, which were up 5.2 percent. Income from tourist expenditures rose 6.8 percent to US$ 240 million, although the number of tourists dropped slightly to 325,000. The tourism industry in Panama has substantial growth potential; however, a lack of investment in infrastructure and poor marketing have hampered its development. In 1994, the National Assembly passed a law granting incentives (primarily tax exemptions and long leaseholds) to new investment in tourism. GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE ECONOMY From 1968 until 1989, Panama was governed by a military regime which implemented a statist plan of economic development. The government nationalized various private enterprises, including among others, utilities companies, sugar mills and cement companies. Price controls on many goods existed, and are still applied to several staple products considered part of a basic "market basket." The level of state involvement, however, was generally less pervasive than that in many countries that pursued a statist, import substitution model of economic development. In 1990, under the Endara government, Panama embarked on a policy reform program to liberalize trade and modernize government operations. Political opposition from entrenched special interest groups, however, diluted the substance of reforms. In 1992, the government re-negotiated its debt with the International Financial Institutions and bilateral creditors. In 1994 a deal was struck to reschedule US$ 400 million in senior bonds and floating rate notes. The Perez Balladares government took office in September, 1994, with an even more ambitious program of reforms, including GATT/WTO accession, renegotiation of Panama's US$ 3.5 billion foreign commercial bank debt and labor code reform. The government pushed a bill through the Legislative Assembly in late 1994 which is the first step towards partial privatization of the state-owned telecommunications company, INTEL. Other legislation partially revoked the government-owned electricity utilityžs monopoly on electricity generation for commercial resale. Legislation to modify the balance of incentives in the economy through reform of the tax code and the trade regime was passed in June 1995. The governmentžs ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), true to its roots in the Torrijos era, however, retains a slightly statist orientation. Add to that a slowing economy and it is unlikely that dramatic progress towards privatization of INTEL or of the state-owned electric utility (IRHE) or water company (IDAAN) will occur in the next eighteen months. The use of the U.S. dollar as Panama's currency means that fiscal policy is the government's principal macroeconomic policy instrument. Because Panama does not issue its own currency, government spending and investment are strictly bound by tax and non-tax revenues (including Panama Canal receipts) and the government's ability to borrow. The government's ability to use fiscal policy as a tool has been further constrained by declining resources. Lending from the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) has been slow, as Panama tries to meet the loan programs' policy reform conditionality. The general state budget (including various public enterprises) for 1995 totals US$ 4.44 billion (63.8 percent of projected 1995 GDP), US$ 1.86 billion of which is allocated to the central government, and US$ 2.57 billion to various decentralized agencies (i.e. the port authority, INTEL, IRHE, IDAAN, and the national mortgage bank). The central government projects current (tax and non-tax) revenues of US$ 1.5 billion in 1995, up 5.9 percent from actual 1994 current revenues of just over US$ 1.4 billion. Capital revenues are projected at US$ 361.1 million for 1995, including US$ 287.3 million in income from credit. Although the Government of Panama received US$ 50 million in bilateral credits from the Government of Japan in June 1995, Panama must meet conditionality to obtain disbursement of the remaining US$ 235 million in credits from the International Financial Institutions. Given the prospect of continued decline in oil pipeline earnings and the U.S. military withdrawal from now until 1999, Panama is under pressure to implement structural adjustment measures that will both strengthen exports of non-factor services based on its comparative advantage -- such as international transportation (ports) and related services (ship supplies and tourism) -- and encourage efficient substitution of high value- added industrial and/or commercial activity to replace foreign exchange earnings from the departing U.S. military. The government has implemented such measures slowly thus far, however, and exports of goods and non-factor services exports are expected to grow less than 5 percent in 1994. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS Panama's goods and non-factor services export earnings have traditionally been among the largest in the world relative to GDP (35-40 percent). This is because the country profited from its geographical location and dollar-based economy to develop a strong services sector. Net non-factor services surpluses have traditionally financed large merchandise trade deficits. In 1994, a net non-factor services surplus of about US$ 1.17 billion partially offset a US$ 1.67 billion merchandise trade deficit. Services: After the crisis years of 1988-1989, growth of non-factor services exports was strong. In 1994, growth of non- factor services exports slowed a bit, increasing only by US$ 80.5 million (3.4 percent) to US$ 2.42 billion: Canal toll earnings increased 3.1 percent, net Colon Free Zone shipments rose 10 percent; U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) expenditures in Panama (for the purchases of local goods and services) remained unchanged at US$ 143 million; and, earnings from tourism grew 6.8 percent to US$ 243 million. By contrast, oil pipeline earnings declined 8.7 percent and net external interest earnings by the banking sector declined slightly to US$ 179.8 million. Merchandise: Panama's merchandise imports grew in 1994 by 11.3 percent over 1993 to a total of US$ 2,202 million, up from a yearly growth rate of 7.6 percent registered in 1993. The value of Panama's total merchandise exports in 1994 climbed 4.9 percent over 1993 to a total of US$ 531.9 million. Increased export earnings from bananas, fishmeal, shrimp and sugar accounted for most of the increase. Bananas accounted for 38.7 percent of total merchandise exports. Debt: Panama is current on interest and principal payments due to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Inter- American Development Bank, and International Fund for Agricultural Development. It cleared US$ 645.8 million in arrears with these institutions during February/March 1992. Panama also remains current on interest and principal payments to U.S. Government creditor agencies and is current in its obligations to its foreign bondholders, after a May 1994 bond- swap agreement. In May 1995, Panama announced a Brady-style Agreement-in-Principle to reschedule the roughly US$ 3.5 billion it owes to foreign commercial creditors. The deal is expected to close by March 1996. Panama budgeted US$ 644.9 million to service internal and external debt in its 1994 budget. Panama's current account has accrued small positive balances in each of the last three years. In 1994, income from official transfers (credit from the International Financial Institutions and bilateral creditors) offset a deficit of US$ 73 million in merchandise, services and investment income, resulting in a net positive position of US$ 55.7 million. INFRASTRUCTURE SITUATION In comparison to many lesser developed countries, Panama has a quite well-developed infrastructure. Goods and services are able to move with relative ease, electrical power generation is sufficient to meet current demand and port facilities, while aging and somewhat inefficient, are able to cope with current usage. However, Panama is in need of significant public sector investment in new roads, sewer and water treatment systems and more education and health facilities. It has been estimated that the cost of cleaning up the Bay of Panama alone will exceed one billion dollars. Presently, semi-treated sewage flows directly into the bay at one of its most picturesque points, damaging prospects for tourism development. The basic services of Panama City and Colon and the country's major highways (the Pan-American and the Trans-Isthmian) as well as its biggest bridge (across the Panama Canal) were built either directly by the U.S. or with substantial financial assistance from it. The Perez Balladares administrationžs emphasis on private development appears to be bearing some fruit in the areas of port construction and highway development. III. POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT NATURE OF POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES The U.S.-Panamanian relationship dates to 1903, when a bilateral treaty gave the U.S. the right to build and unilaterally control the transisthmian canal that was completed in 1914. That relationship was altered by mutual agreement in the 1977 Panama Canal Treaties, signed by President Jimmy Carter and General Omar Torrijos, which stipulate that Canal administration will pass to Panamanian control and that all U.S. troops will withdraw from Panama by December 31, 1999. The current U.S.-Panamanian relationship is cooperative and businesslike as both partners work to prepare for the U.S. withdrawal and the Panamanian takeover of the Canal and U.S. base properties. Managing the Treaty implementation process is one of the prime challenges of the administration of President Perez Balladares. President Perez Balladares is a U.S.-trained businessman. Foreign Minister Gabriel Lewis Galindo is a former Canal Treaties negotiator who spent years in exile in the U.S. during the Noriega era. Both understand the U.S. political system, speak fluent English, and have easy access to the highest levels of the U.S. government. Immediately upon taking office in September 1994, the Balladares government agreed to a U.S. request to allow the temporary lodging of up to ten thousand Cuban migrants (then overcrowding U.S. facilities at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba) on U.S. defense sites in Panama. Over 8,500 Cuban boat people were given safehaven in Panama between September 1994 and March 1995. At OAS President Gaviria's request, Perez Balladares agreed to offer asylum to Haitian military leaders in October 1994 in order to help pave the way for the return of Haiti's democratic government. MAJOR POLITICAL ISSUES AFFECTING BUSINESS CLIMATE During the years leading up to the transfer of the Canal and the bases, the government of Panama faces two interrelated problems: attracting foreign investment, and managing the vast properties that Panama will receive as the U.S. withdraws. In 1993 the Endara government established the semi- autonomous Inter-Oceanic Regional Authority (ARI) to manage the reversion process. Perez Balladares, who had criticized the ARI for ineffectiveness and inefficiency, pushed through legislation in early 1995 that provided for presidential oversight of the Board's more important personnel and policy decisions. He approved the board's selection of former Panamanian President Nicolas Ardito Barletta as day-to-day administrator of the ARI. Barletta took office in June 1995. Expressing dismay over the government's lack of preparations for reversion and concern for the security and maintenance of the properties the U.S. was preparing to transfer to Panama, Barletta asked for some delays in reversions to give the government more time to decide how best to protect and to promote the properties. ARI has hired Nathan Associates to prepare a "Master Plan" for use of the properties. BRIEF SYNOPOSIS OF POLITICAL SYSTEM, SCHEDULE FOR ELECTIONS, AND ORIENTATION OF MAJOR POLITICAL PARTIES An independent nation since 1903, Panama is a representative democracy with three branches of government: executive and legislative branches elected by direct secret vote for 5-year terms, and an independent, executive-appointed judiciary. The U.S. military intervention of December 1989 brought the legitimately-elected government to power and ousted narco- dictator General Manuel Noriega's military regime. This move ushered in a period of democracy-building and national recovery that culminated in May 1994 with the first free and fair national elections in almost three decades. Panama abolished its military by constitutional amendment in late 1994. Its democratic institutions are continuing to develop to meet the social and economic needs of Panama's 2.5 million ethnically diverse citizens. Ernesto "Toro" Perez Balladares was sworn in as president on September 1, 1994. Stressing "national concilliation" after the election, President Perez Balladares gave about a third of his cabinet posts to figures from outside the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD). The president has broad powers under Panama's constitution, but must work with a 72-member unicameral legislative assembly in which his party, the PRD, and its political allies have a bare majority. Although the assembly lacks strong budgetary authority, it does play a crucial role in shaping political, economic, and social initiatives; Perez Balladares is wooing shifting constellations of the dozen-plus parties represented in the assembly to build consensus for important legislative projects. "Toro's" PRD, the political arm of former dictators Generals Omar Torrijos and Manuel Noriega, has a chequered history. On the one hand, the party in the 1970s championed the cause of the poor in a rigid and static society, empowering an otherwise disadvantaged lower class. On the other hand, the party's misuses of its governmental privileges during the 1970s and 1980s, coupled with its disregard of human rights and its penchant for official corruption, have generated widespread concerns about its commitment to democracy and good governance. Perez Balladares promised during the elections that the PRD had reformed following Operation Just Cause and would adhere to democratic and fair business practices. During the first year of the Perez Balladares administration, the opposition parties in the assembly have been subdued and quiescent. Demoralized by defeat in the election, and politically fragmented, the opposition has not managed to organize a united front against Perez Balladares' more disciplined and united PRD. The opposition will probably not become a more important political force until roused by the 1999 national election campaign. IV. MARKETING U.S. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DISTRIBUTION AND SALES CHANNELS Business practices in Panama are very similar to those in the U.S. i.e., business tends to be direct and straightforward. On average, Panama City accounts for 65% of total national sales of consumer goods, the remaining 35% is distributed among the principal cities of David, Santiago, Chitre and Colon. Generally, the marketing channel structure in Panama is simple. Direct importers act as wholesalers and in some cases also as retailers. This situation is common in the case of apparel, automotive parts and hardware products. In the case of consumer goods and food and medicines, the retail operation is separate from the wholesale operation. In the industrial goods sector, sales are normally handled by local exclusive agents or distributors. In other cases, local firms order directly from U.S. brokers or the manufacturer. Some of Panama's major importers are also regional distributors located in the Colon Free Zone (CFZ). Generally, CFZ importers/distributors have affiliated stores in Panama City for retail sale to the local market. USE OF AGENTS/DISTRIBUTORS; FINDING A PARTNER According to Panama's constitution, nationals and foreigners are equal under the law. Both Panamanian and foreign companies must fulfill the same basic requirements to organize and operate most types of business activities in Panama. However, there are restrictions on foreigners operating retail trade activities and practicing certain professions. Agents and distributors in Panama are regulated only by the private agreements made between the parties involved. In cases of contract termination or disputes, the private contract clauses prevail over any other document or practice. Individuals may engage in business activities in their own names or through legal entities. The most commonly adopted form of legal entity is the corporation (sociedad anonima). Other types of legal entities commonly used in Panama are: general partnerships, simple limited partnerships, joint stock partnerships and limited liability companies. FRANCHISING Panama is receptive to U.S. style franchising. The market for both specific and general franchising opportunities is attractive, since Panama maintains no control on royalty payments or transfers. Under the Panamanian Constitution, however, retail outlets, can only be owned by Panamanian citizens. Recreation, entertainment services, automotive, as well as hotel and motel franchising operators will find a fertile market as the local market demands better facilities and services. The U.S. Embassy recommends consulting a local attorney for details on how to set up a franchise in Panama. DIRECT MARKETING Key factors for market success in Panama are: high quality, customer service, brand-name recognition and attractive packaging. Panama is a country of 2.5 million. U.S. products targeting along the middle to upper-middle income markets compete well, since these Panamanians have a penchant for high quality U.S. products. Those with high disposable income follow sophisticated U.S. and European consumption patterns. Most high-end U.S. and foreign brand names are represented in Panama. An aggressive marketing strategy improves the level of success in meeting the needs of a trend-conscious market. JOINT VENTURES/ LICENSING Joint ventures are not common in Panama. Joint ventures are formed for a specific period of time, such as for a specific construction or technology transfer contract/concession, rather than a long-term business venture. The profits from joint ventures are to be distributed annually to each joint venture partner, and are taxed in the same manner as any other income. Panamanian law does not regulate the registration of license agreements. Nevertheless, common practice is to accept license agreements over registered trademarks. The agreements must be attached to the registered trademark and filed with the Industrial Property Department in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The agreements become part of the file on said trademark. Panama offers a unique condition for licensing, distribution arrangements and joint ventures as well as routine buy/sell operations. The CFZ offers the U.S. exporter looking for a share of the region's market a convenient one-stop distribution center covering the entire region. The problems of money laundering, intellectual property piracy and drug trafficking in the CFZ, however, are such that U.S. companies must be wary. STEPS TO ESTABLISHING AN OFFICE Panama has one of the most modern and flexible corporate laws in Latin America. The following are some of the advantages offered to Panamanian "Bearer Share" Corporations: 1. Two or more persons of any nationality, even though not domiciled in Panama, may organize a corporation for any lawful purpose. The articles of incorporation may be executed anywhere, even outside of Panama, and in any language. 2. There are no requirements regarding the amount paid in capital. 3. Ownership of a Panamanian corporation may reside in a single individual or corporation and no part of the capital needs to be held by a Panamanian. 4. There are no nationality or residence requirements for shareholders. 5. Neither the directors nor the officers are required to be shareholders. 6. The Board of Directors must be composed of at least three directors, but one person may hold more than one position. 7. Meetings of shareholders or directors may be held outside of Panama. Proxies may be used by shareholders/directors. In order to form a corporation in Panama, the client must furnish the following information: 1. The name of the corporation. It may be in any language, but it must terminate in a word or abbreviation indicating that it is a corporation. 2. The objectives and purpose of the corporation. 3. The amount of the authorized capital. Usually the authorized capital will consist of US$ 10,000 divided into 100 shares of US$ 100 each. 4. The types of shares, may be nominative or bearer share. 5. Duration of the corporation, usually perpetual. 6. The full names and addresses of three or more directors and/or officers. 7. The domicile of the corporation. The time period usually involved in setting up a corporation is from one to two months. Attorney fees range from US$ 600 to US$ 1,500. In order to engage in commercial or industrial activities, all corporations, partnerships or individuals must obtain proper authorization from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. There are three basic types of licenses involved: a) Commercial License Class A is required for wholesale operations, commercial and mortgage banks, financial companies, international financial brokers, insurance and reinsurance companies, international transportation companies, mutual funds, public utilities, and high- technology service companies. b) Commercial License Class B is required for retail businesses; including representation agencies, service companies, bars, restaurants, drugstores, real estate agents, gas stations, local transportation, distributors and others. This license is only granted to Panamanians or corporations owned solely by Panamanians. c) An Industrial License is required for extractive and manufacturing industries, as well as construction companies. (Refer to Appendix E for the contact at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry). Exemptions for business license requirements are granted to persons or legal entities engaged exclusively in agriculture, cattle, bee, or poultry raising, or in the manufacturing and sale of handicrafts, provided that the work is not performed by hired workers. Licenses must be kept at all times in a visible and accessible place. The cost for obtaining a license ranges from US$ 250 to US$ 750. Also, an annual tax is levied based on the net worth of the company, as stated in the income tax return. SELLING FACTORS/TECHNIQUES Panama has the highest per capita income in Central America. The majority of income is skewed to a small, consumer goods oriented economic class. These upper-middle and upper-class families have high levels of disposable income. They are interested in purchasing high quality, trend-setting goods; price plays less of a factor in purchasing an item for this class than for the middle to lower income classes. The majority of Panamanians remain interested in quality but price plays a more important role in the purchase decision. The use of the U.S. dollar as legal currency and consumer preference for high quality products at a good price are two reasons for high acceptance of U.S. products in Panama. Overall, U.S. products compete well in the market and are considered of good quality. However, in many instances, in order to maintain their market share, U.S. products must compete against often lower priced products especially from the Far East. For example, as in the U.S. itself, Japanese and Korean electronics dominate that market because of aggressive market entry techniques and good quality at competitive prices. ADVERTISING AND TRADE PROMOTION Television and newspaper advertising are the promotion tools of choice for the majority of distributors of U.S. products. Panama has a very competitive advertising market, with standard prices and very good production quality. Additionally, trade show and exhibitions have proven to be effective tools for trade promotion. Special sale prices are usually advertised in newspapers during weekends. Most foreign manufacturers of consumer products also keep a high profile presence in the country through large billboards, sponsored sports events and T.V. advertising. Radio advertising is mainly utilized outside of Metropolitan Panama City. Major Newspapers: El Panama America Advertising Chief - Margaret de Ucar P.O. Box B-4 Panama 9A, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 230-1666 Fax: (507) 230-1033 Daily Circulation: is 22,000 Format: standard Advertising prices: US$ 7.00 per columnar inch, each page has 126 columnar inches. La Estrella de Panama Advertising Manager - Angie de Ochy P.O. Box Q Panama 4, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-0555 Fax: (507) 227-0723 Daily Circulation: 21,200 Format: standard Advertising prices: US$ 8.00 per columnar inch, each page has 126 columnar inches. La Prensa Advertising Manager - Adela Mendoza P.O. Box 6-4586, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 221-7222 Fax: (507) 221-7328 Daily Circulation: 38,000 Format: standard Advertising prices: US$ 11.00 per columnar inch, each page has 126 columnar inches. Major advertising agencies are associated with international advertising firms. (Refer to Appendix E for contact information on advertising agencies). PRICING PRODUCT The price structure for import goods in Panama depends on the level of competition for a product. The costs of transportation and import duties vary from item to item. In general, prices for consumer products and food are higher than world average because of protectionism and cartelization of the local market. For the sake of illustration, however, the sample below offers average costs added to the product as it reaches the consumer. The percentages average 20% for import duties and 20% each for wholesale and retail markups. Average Pricing Schedule $ Price CIF Panama $100.00 Import Duty 20.00 Total Landed Cost $120.00 Wholesale Price 150.00 Retail Price $187.50 Note: A 5% value added tax over CIF value is assessed at the time of customs liquidation. Since this tax is placed on all goods, domestic and imported, and is passed through to the consumer, it is not included in this calculation. SALES SERVICE/CUSTOMER SUPPORT Competition among distributors is reflected in the training, counseling and support they can provide to their customers. U.S. companies should focus on providing U.S.-level training and technical assistance to their distributors and making sure they have the resources to provide after-sales support, including spare parts, service equipment, etc. SELLING TO THE GOVERNMENT Panama does not have a Central Procurement Office such as the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). All purchases of goods and services of any significant value are by law advertised as a public bid. Any company wishing to participate in public bids (amounting to US$ 1 million and above, in the case of infrastructure projects and US$ 500,000 and above, in goods and services) must be registered with the Ministry of Treasury. This Ministry, by law, keeps a register of prequalified companies that are potential suppliers to the Government. Lack of transparency, excessive delays and bureaucracy in the bid selection process have caused problems for U.S. and other bidders in important government bids in the past. It is important that your firm register. (Refer to Appendix E for contact information on the Ministry of Treasury - Registry of Prequalified firms). PROTECTING YOUR PRODUCT FROM IPR INFRINGEMENT Panama is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Geneva Phonograms Convention, the Brussels Satellite Convention, and the Universal Copyright Convention. Although Panama is not a member of the Bern Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the Government of Panama has submitted to its National Assembly legislation for Panama to accede to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. (Refer to Section VII: Protection of Property Rights, for more information). NEED FOR A LOCAL ATTORNEY The law requires that every corporation organized pursuant to the laws of Panama have a resident agent within Panama, who must be an attorney. The annual fee for this service is about US$ 200. It is estimated that over 400,000 corporations are registered in Panama. Legal fees for professional services in connection with the organization of a corporation normally range from US$ 600 to US$ 1,500. Registering a national trademark, patent or a sanitary registration application requires a power of attorney. V. LEADING SECTORS FOR U.S. EXPORTS AND INVESTMENT BEST PROSPECTS FOR NON-AGRICULTURAL GOODS AND SERVICES Rank of Sector: 1 Name of Sector: Electrical Power Systems ITA Industry Code: ELP 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 70.0 80.0 92.0 Total Local Production 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports 70.0 80.0 92.0 Imports from the U.S. 17.5 19.2 26.8 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: In early 1995, the Government of Panama passed legislation allowing the private sector to generate electricity for commercial purposes. Private firms will be allowed to generate electricity for commercial resale to IRHE, the state electrical utility, or to third parties. This situation opens opportunities for U.S. electric power system exporters. Panama has a relatively high electricity rate (62 percent), compared with the rest of Central America (average of 51.4 percent). Panama's production costs are also the highest in the region (11.12 cents per kwh) as compared with the average in the region of 9.19 cents. Panama has an installed base of 892 MW, of which 550.5 MW is hydro electric and 341.7 MW is thermo electric. Although Panama is not currently facing electrical energy shortages, the demand is growing at an estimated rate of 40 MW per year and IRHE is not in the position to make the required investment to meet it. IRHE recently announced a bid to purchase energy from a 100 MW plant to be constructed and operated by the private sector. Additionally, IRHE is negotiating with the International Development Bank (IDB) the construction of a 120 MW hydro electric plant (Esti project). Main companies competing in the local market come from the USA, Japan, Italy, England and Germany. Rank of Sector: 2 Name of Sector: Computers and Peripherals ITA Industry Code: CPT 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 35.0 40.0 46.0 Total Local Production 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports 35.0 40.0 46.0 Imports from the U.S. 21.0 24.0 28.0 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: A number of factors support the positive outlook for the computers and peripherals sector in Panama: (1), even though the economy has slowed in 1995 the demand for office automation remains high among the principal growth sectors of the economy; (2), import duties for computers (average of 7 percent over C.I.F. value) are relatively low; (3), there remains an easy access to computer suppliers locally and abroad, particularly in Miami; (4), there exists a growing computer culture, as a result of the high number of Panamanian graduates from U.S. schools, and the local availability of computer magazines, journals and other literature from the U.S. Computer products from the U.S. enjoy a high receptivity and are perceived as incorporating state-of-the- art technology. The U.S. keeps a strong position in this market with a market share above 60 percent. Prices for U.S. computers are competitive against competing products from Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Sub-sectors with highest growth potential are: personal computers, mid-range computers and non-impact printers. Most promising end-users are banks, commercial establishments, universities and government organizations. Rank of Sector: 3 Name of Sector: Medical Equipment ITA Industry Code: MED 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 18.0 20.7 23.2 Total Local Production 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports 18.0 20.7 23.2 Imports from the U.S. 13.5 15.5 17.6 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: The medical equipment market will grow at an estimated average rate of 12 percent during the next 2-3 years. This growth is supported by the current government's commitment to upgrade the quality of services offered by the public health system. In 1995, the government's Social Security System began building 8 new clinics and hospitals valued at US$ 27 million. The Ministry of Health is building a 300-bed, US$ 25 million new hospital in metropolitan Panama City. The Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) is financing a US$ 52.8 million health care reform program. In addition, the private sector is making substantial investments in new clinics and hospitals both in Panama City and elsewhere in the country. U.S. medical equipment products have a high receptivity score and are represented by the best qualified distributors in the country. A great number of Panamanian doctors have been trained in the U.S. and have exposure to U.S. medical equipment and technology. There are no restrictions to importing medical equipment in Panama. Import duties are in the range of 15 - 27.5 percent over C.I.F. value. Main competitors come from Italy, France and Germany. Most promising sub-sectors are: disposable products, imaging equipment and diagnostic equipment. Rank of Sector: 4 Name of Sector: Computer Software ITA Industry Code: CSF 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 12.0 14.5 19.0 Total Local Production 1.5 1.8 3.0 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports 10.5 12.7 16.0 Imports from the U.S. 9.8 11.9 15.8 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: The market outlook for computer software improved significantly with the passage in early 1995 of a copyright bill that covers computer software products. Software piracy by individuals and corporations has been the biggest problem faced by the computer software industry. The new bill provides the legal framework for fighting piracy practices at all levels, although as of July 1995, the new law had not been implemented. Many corporations have suspended the practice of copying software, and computer hardware distributors are refraining from giving away free software to their clients. Best opportunities are for software productivity tools, i.e. data base software, oriented to the mid range/mainframe environment. This type of software has traditionally represented over 80 percent of the market. Another important market here is for personal computers. Office automation software, including word processing, spreadsheet, graphics and data base and telecommunication applications will be in high demand for the PC-oriented market. Another emerging market is the multimedia market, including games, educational and other CD Rom-based applications. U.S. software publishers are well-known in Panama. Some software companies from Chile, Venezuela and Costa Rica have targeted Panama for the introduction of some spanish-language products, mainly business applications, e.g., payroll, accounts payable/receivable, etc. There are no restrictions for importing/marketing foreign software into Panama. Rank of Sector: 5 Name of Sector: Automotive Parts and Service Equipment ITA Industry Code: APS 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 43.0 47.0 52.0 Total Local Production 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports 43.0 47.0 52.0 Imports from the U.S. 13.0 14.2 16.1 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: The market for new automobiles has boomed since 1990. This situation creates a derived demand for automotive parts and service equipment. The car population in Panama is estimated at 260,000 units. Approximately 8,000 new cars will be sold in 1995. U.S. cars sales have shown a constant growth during recent years, as Japanese products become less competitive because of the Japanese yen appreciation against the U.S. dollar. As the market for new cars appears to be reaching saturation levels, market prospects for automotive parts and service equipment will increase proportionally to the decline in new car sales. Car owners will be paying more attention to maintaining and servicing their cars. U.S. participation in the automotive parts and service equipment is relatively low (a market share of 30-35 percent). Main competitors are Japan, Korea and Taiwan. However, the U.S. market position will improve as the demand for U.S. cars increases. Demand will remain strong for those U.S.- made car parts and accessories which fit Japanese models. Import duties for automotive parts range between 10-15 percent over C.I.F. value. There are no import restrictions for importing and marketing these products. Sub-sectors offering best market opportunities are: servicing equipment, tubes and tires, and engine parts. Rank of Sector: 6 Name of Sector: Management Consulting Services ITA Industry Code: MCS 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 13.0 15.5 18.2 Total Local Production 3.0 3.5 4.2 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports 10.0 12.0 14.0 Imports from the U.S. 8.0 9.7 11.6 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: Three factors provide favorable conditions for the development of the management consulting services market in Panama. First, under the 1977 Panama Canal Treaties, there are vast amounts of land and other infrastructure resources reverting to Panama which are currently occupied by U.S. military facilities or are former Canal Zone property. Panama will need to implement a number of projects to make an efficient use of these resources. The World bank, the UNDP and the Inter-American Development Bank have expressed interest in financing specific projects in these areas. Second, the Government of Panama is committed to increasing the quality and efficiency of public utility services, including telecommunications, water resources, energy generation, etc. Much help will be needed to modernize/privatize the government organizations providing these services. Finally, as Panama accedes to the World Trade Organization, Panamanian companies will have to participate in a more competitive environment. This situation will create the need for consulting services aimed at increasing their competitiveness and efficiency levels. The above factors will generate market opportunities for U.S. consulting companies in the following areas: land development, environment, marketing, tourism development, privatization, energy generation, etc. Rank of Sector: 7 Name of Sector: Telecommunications Equipment ITA Industry Code: TEL 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 37.0 44.4 58.0 Total Local Production 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports 37.0 44.4 58.0 Imports from the U.S. 6.2 8.0 14.5 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: The telecommunications sector in Panama is undergoing a radical change. The government national telecommunications company (INTEL) was converted into a corporation and 49 of its shares is scheduled to be offered to a private company, which will administer and operate INTEL S.A. The other 49 percent will be retained in the hands of the Government of Panama (GOP). The remaining 2 percent will be placed in trust for INTEL's employees. The question of effective majority control remains unresolved. Furthermore, the GOP is committed to offering the cellular telecommunications systems in two bands, A and B. Band A will be wholly operated by the private sector under a government concession, and B will be operated under a joint venture arrangement between INTEL and a private company. All of these changes will open the doors to modernization and eventual competition in this sector. This situation will represent increased market opportunities for U.S. exporters. There are approximately 323,000 telephone lines in the country and a line penetration rate of 10.9 per 100 inhabitants. INTEL is in the process of upgrading its transmission lines to fiber optics. There is also an ongoing process to fully digitalize and increase the switching network. The private sector demand for PABX systems, radio trunk systems and paging systems has been constantly growing, as well as satellite-based IBS/teleport telecommunications facilities. Main competitors in the market place are from Japan, Sweden France and Canada. Rank of Sector: 8 Name of Sector: Hotel and Restaurant Equipment ITA Industry Code: HTL 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 8.0 9.9 11.3 Total Local Production 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports 8.0 9.9 11.3 Imports from the U.S. 4.0 4.8 6.0 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: The market outlook for hotel and restaurant equipment in Panama has improved as a result of a tourism incentive law, passed in 1994. It allows for a number of fiscal and other incentives to those companies investing in tourism- oriented facilities such as hotels, restaurants, tourist resorts, etc. The GOP is interested in attracting new foreign and domestic investment. There are currently 3 major hotels under construction in Panama and 4 more are planned in other parts of the country. The Panamanian Tourism Institute (IPAT) is considering a number of applications for new projects that will benefit from the new law. Additionally, the current land reversions of primarily U.S. military facilities to Panamanian hands, should generate further tourism projects for Panama. The hotel and restaurant equipment market is very competitive. The U.S. maintains a strong leadership position. Main competitors in the kitchen equipment market are from France, Italy, Spain and Brazil. In other product lines, such as refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, competitors come from Japan and Korea. Best prospects in this sector are: kitchen equipment, decoration equipment, e.g., draperies, furniture, air conditioning equipment, and elevators. No import restrictions exist for these products and import duties are in the range of 10-25 percent over C.I.F value. Rank of Sector: 9 Name of Sector: Franchising ITA Industry Code: FRA 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size (1) 70.0 77.0 85.0 Total Local Production 5.0 6.0 7.0 Total Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Imports (2) 65.0 71.0 78.0 Imports from the U.S. (3) 65.0 70.0 75.0 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (1) total sales generated by franchises (2) sales by local franchises (3) sales by U.S. franchises (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: Panama has a number of special conditions which favor further development of the franchise market. The U.S. dollar is legal tender in Panama. Therefore, there are no exchange restrictions and royalties and fees can be freely remitted. There is a high U.S. cultural affinity in Panama, as a result of the U.S. construction and operation of the Panama Canal, and the presence of U.S. military bases. Panama has one of the highest per capita income in the region, and a well-established, well- trained and well-educated middle class. These factors create an excellent environment for the development of the franchise market. Except for the Constitutional ban on foreign ownership of retail outlets, there are no major restrictions to the establishment of franchises in Panama. The franchiser-franchisee relationship is entirely regulated by their private contract, with no government intervention. U.S. franchises enjoy a high receptivity and have a clear leadership in the market, especially in the fast food and car rental areas. There are a few Colombian, Canadian and Central American franchises that are exploring the Panamanian fast food market, especially in the pizza, yogurt and fried chicken sub-sectors. Best prospects for new franchises are: Hotels and campgrounds; sports & recreation; retail: shoes & clothing; food: ice cream & yogurt; restaurant and quick service; and photo framing & art. Rank of Sector: 10 Name of Sector: Financial Services ITA Industry Code: FNS 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size (1) 32,800 39,000 46,000 Total Local Production (2) 7,000 8,000 10,000 Total Exports 0 0 0 Total Imports (3) 25,000 31,000 36,000 Imports from the U.S. (4) 1,300 1,500 2,000 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) (1) total assets of the bank system (2) total assets of local banks (3) total assets of foreign banks (4) total assets of U.S. banks. (The above statistics are unofficial estimates.) Comments: Panama is an international banking center. There are 109 banks operating in Panama. Of these banks, 61 have general licenses, i.e. provide a full range of banking services. A total of 29 banks have international license, i.e. deal only with overseas operations. The remaining 19 banks have only representational offices. The majority of banks are foreign; about 10 banks are Panamanian. In 1994, the banking system granted credits amounting to US$ 6.5 billion in the Republic of Panama. There is a deficit of 250,000 housing units in the country and the Government is committed to reducing this deficit. This sector will represent excellent financing opportunities for local and foreign banks. Investment banking is another promising area as large local companies are increasingly looking at non- traditional financing sources such as corporate bond issues. Banks usually act as issuing agents. The Panamanian stock market, founded in 1990, is another area of growth within the financial services market. In 1991 stock market transactions were US$ 30.6 million; in 1994 the figure rose to US$ 290.2 million, of which 85% were debt instruments. There is an ongoing project, financed by the Inter-American Development Bank, to unify all the stock exchanges in Central America. This may enhance market opportunities in this area. Panama is considered a haven for financial operations; government intervention is minimal. BEST PROSPECTS FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Name of Sector: Agricultural Consumer Oriented Products PS/D: HVP 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 161.7 170.3 179.2 Total Local Production 1/ 329.7 347.1 365.4 Total Exports 285.0 300.0 315.9 Total Imports 117.0 123.2 129.7 Total Imports from U.S. 51.9 54.6 57.5 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) 1/ Includes production for exports. Comments: U.S. exports of agricultural consumer-oriented products reached a record US$ 51.9 million in 1994. Major products exported include: processed fruit and vegetables (US$ 9.2 million), wine and beer (US$ 8.4 million), snack foods (US$ 6.3 million), fresh fruits (US$ 4.3 million), breakfast cereals (US$ 3.2 million) and fruit and vegetable juices (US$ 3.8 million). Main competitors are: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador. Best prospect sub-sectors (est. 1996 market size): Breakfast cereals (US$ 10.0 million). Fresh fruits (US$ 9.5 million). Canned sardines (US$ 7.0 million). Name of Sector: Bulk Agricultural Products PS/D: G&F 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 120.0 130.8 142.6 Total Local Production 71.0 77.4 84.4 Total Exports 1/ 2.0 2.2 2.4 Total Imports 51.0 55.6 60.6 Total Imports from U.S. 34.7 37.8 41.2 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) 1/ Includes domestic tobacco exports which reached US$ 1.3 million in 1994. Comments: U.S. exports of bulk agricultural products totaled US$ 34.7 million in 1994. Major bulk commodities were: wheat (US$ 18.0 million) and yellow corn (US$ 13.8 million). Main competitors come from: Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France. Best prospect sub-sectors (est. 1996 market size): Wheat (US$ 20.0 million). Yellow corn (US$ 15.6 million). Malt (US$ 5.5 million). Name of Sector: Intermediate Agricultural Products PS/D: O&P 1994 1995 1996 (US$ millions, unless otherwise noted) Total Market Size 105.0 110.3 115.7 Total Local Production 1/ 80.5 84.6 88.7 Total Exports 28.5 29.9 31.4 Total Imports 53.0 55.6 58.4 Total Imports from U.S. 39.0 41.0 43.0 Exchange Rate 1 U.S. Dollar = 1 Balboa (Fixed Rate) 1/ Total includes domestic sugar exports which reached US$ 17.1 million in 1994. Comments: U.S. exports of intermediate agricultural products reached a record high of US$ 39.0 million in 1994. Major products exported were: soybean meal (US$ 14.7 million, record high), corn gluten (US$ 3.8 million) and corn oil (US$ 1.5 million). Main competitor is Argentina. Best prospects sub-sector (est. 1996 market size): Soybean meal (US$ 15.5 million). Soybean oil (US$ 15.0 million). Corn gluten (US$ 4.2 million). SOURCES Non-Agricultural Goods and Services - Computer and Peripherals: AT&T, Grupo Informatica - Automotive Parts and Services: Grupo Ford - Medical Equipment: La Casa del Medico - Telecommunication Equipment: INTEL, S.A. - Financial Services: Asociacion Bancaria de Panama - Franchising: Franquicias Paname¤as - Consulting Services: USAID, Consultores Financieros - Electric Power Systems: IRHE - Hotel & Restaurant Equipment: Diversiones Panama - Computer Software: ADR Software Agricultural Products - Ministry of Agricultural Development SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES The following areas offer excellent investment opportunities for U.S. companies. Electric Power Generation In February, 1995, the GOP passed legislation that allows IRHE, the government electric utility to purchase energy from private suppliers. IRHE recently announced plans to purchase electric energy from a 100 M.W. plant to be constructed and operated by a private company. Companies investing in a power plant can also sell energy to other Panamanian companies. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), is studying the possibility of financing a 120 M.W. hydroelectric plant to be constructed and operated by IRHE in the province of Chiriqui, although some observers believe the project will not be cost effective. Panama's demand for electricity grows by 40 Megawatts per year. Since IRHE does not have the investment capability to meet it, a growing participation of the private sector, particularly foreign investors, is necessary. (For more information refer to Appendix E for the contact at IRHE.) Health Care Services The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is co-financing a US $52.8 million program aimed at: improving the operating efficiency of health care institutions; improving the health of the general population; and, advancing the reform of the service sector. The program includes the construction of 16 health care centers. A number of studies will also be conducted, and substantial amounts of medical equipment will be acquired. (For more information refer to Appendix E for the contact at the Ministry of Health and the Panama office of the Inter-American Development Bank.) Mining Exploration and Operation Panama has vast amounts of minerals resources, located in the central provinces of the country. There is significant potential for gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead and, molybdenum exploitation. No government restrictions exist for foreign companies to participate in mining explorations and operations, except for the requirement that 90% of all employees be Panamanians. A few mining companies from Canada have made sizable investments in the mining sector. The two largest are Adrian Resources Corp., and Greenstone Resources, Inc. These two companies have invested over US$ 100 million in mining explorations during the last three years. Several mining sites have easy access by road. For information on mining investment opportunities, contact the Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias, Direccion de Recursos Minerales. (For more information refer to Appendix E for the contacts at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Minerals Division and the Mining Chamber of Panama.) Port Construction/Operation/Privatization The GOP is interested in increasing the efficiency of its port system. In achieving this purpose, the National Port Authority (APN), is promoting the construction of new ports and privatizing some operations of the country's major ports. A new container port, the Manzanillo International Terminal, began operations last year, on the Atlantic side, under a joint venture arrangement between Stevedoring Services of America of Seattle, WA, and Motores Internacionales, a Panamanian distributor of Russian-made cars and trucks. Half of this project financing comes form the World Bank's International Finance Corporation. The Taiwanese company, Evergreen, is negotiating with the GOP the construction of a second container port on the Atlantic side. Petroterminal de Panama, a joint venture between the GOP and Northville Industries of New York, NY., is planning to construct a new port facility in Chiriqui Grande on the Atlantic side. APN announced recently that many port operations will be privatized in the Atlantic Port of Cristobal, Panama's most important port, and in the Pacific port of Balboa. (For more information refer to Appendix E for the contact at the National Port Authority.) Reverted Areas As a result of the Panama Canal Treaties of 1977, the United States is in the process of transferring to Panama 70,000 acres of lands, more than 4,000 buildings, numerous bridges, and other infrastructures located in the former Canal Zone and the U.S. military bases. The reversion process concludes in the year 2000. Panama is committed to incorporating these resources to enhance the country's economic and social development. A number of projects will have to be developed in these areas in the very near future. The Inter-American Development Bank is co-financing a US $9.2 million study that will define the plans for the efficient use these resources. The GOP chartered the Interoceanic Regional Authority (ARI), to administer the reverted resources and to create a development strategy. Projects to be considered include manufacturing, assembly, tourism, warehousing, education, scientific research, energy generation, etc. (For more information refer to Appendix E for the contact at the Interoceanic Regional Authority.) Road Construction and Rehabilitation In 1994, the Government of Panama, in conjunction with the Inter- American Development Bank and the World Bank, began a US $420 million, five-year, road construction and rehabilitation program, to be completed in 1997. The program includes road construction in rural areas, rehabilitation of major existing roads, bridge construction and maintenance, urban road maintenance and over pass construction. Additionally, the GOP is seeking to expand the road network in metropolitan Panama City via administrative concessions. Under this scheme, private companies would make the necessary investment to construct and operate a road. They would be permitted to recuperate the investment through a toll system. A US $300 million (Corredor Norte and highway Panama-Colon) road project has been awarded to the Mexican company PYCSA. Another US $150 million project (Corredor Sur) is in process of being awarded. (For more information refer to Appendix E for the contact at the Ministry of Public Works.) Telecommunications Panama is restructuring its telecommunications sector in order to make it more efficient and competitive. Significant investment opportunities will open as the modernization process is developed. The government telecommunications company (INTEL) has been converted into a corporation and 49 percent of its shares will be sold to the private sector. Another 49 percent will be retained by the GOP. The remaining 2 percent will be kept in a trust fund for INTEL employees. The company acquiring the 49 percent of INTEL will also become the operator of INTEL S.A. How it would operate while owning less than 50% of the stock remains to be worked out. INTEL S.A. will operate a cellular telecommunications system in band B, in association with a private company. A parallel cellular service will be offered to a private sector company in band A. INTEL is currently engaged in expanding its switching network. The digitalization of the system and the implementation of fiber optics are two important ongoing projects. (For more information refer to Appendix E for the contact at INTEL S.A.) VI. TRADE REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS TRADE BARRIERS (TARIFFS, NON-TARIFF BARRIERS AND IMPORT TAXES) Traditional policies on trade and economic incentives directed agricultural and manufacturing production toward import- substitution until the end of the 1980's. Today, Panama's nominal tariff duties remain the highest in the region. Panama averages 40% in tariff rates, whereas, its Central American neighbors average 20%. The country has made some progress in lowering its duties and restrictions. From 1991 to 1994 the Government of Panama enacted a trade liberalization program, with the following objectives: - To reduce the ceiling on import tariffs to 40 percent for industrial products and to 50 percent for agro-industrial products. - To eliminate all specific import tariff rates. - To eliminate quantitative import restrictions for agricultural products and replace them with tariff protection. The Government met the majority of these objectives. However, there are still some products subject to tariffs outside these limits such as processed tomato products, beer and cigarettes. Other products, such as textiles and shoes, continue to have specific import duties. Various other agricultural products remain subject to quantitative restrictions e.g., dairy products and certain grains. Panama is currently negotiating its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Tariff duties are expected to decline and most of the non-tariff barriers will be eliminated. CUSTOMS VALUATION Panama assesses most import duties on an ad valorem basis, except for a number of products that are still using a dual ad valorem and specific system. The Government is, however, still in the process of eliminating this dual system. The ad valorem system uses the declared C.I.F. value as the basis for import duty calculations and utilizes historical price information as a reference. This method has been criticized by major private business organizations in the country. In addition to the import duty, all imports into Panama are subject to a 5 percent transfer or value added tax (ITBM) levied on the C.I.F. value, plus import duty and other handling charges. Pharmaceutical, food products and school supplies are exempt from ITBM tax. Panama has recently changed its international trade classification system from the Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature (CCCN) and Brussels Tariff Nomenclature (BTN) to the Harmonized System (HS). Also, entry into the WTO will improve the present situation to provide a customs valuation system that conforms to international standards. IMPORT LICENSES No import licenses are required in Panama to engage in import activities. Any company holding a commercial license can freely import goods into Panama. A commercial or industrial license is issued to individuals or companies engaged in commercial or industrial activities. EXPORT CONTROLS The Fiscal Code regulates all matters concerning the country's exports. The Code establishes that all national products may be exported, except: - drugs, with the exception of those having pharmaceutical or scientific purposes. - staple products determined by the Government on a temporary basis due to scarcity in the country; and, - those products the GOP determines not for export for reasons of convenience or in the economic interest of the country. Exports subject to the payment of export taxes require an Export Authorization, which is issued by the National Customs Directorate, Ministry of the Treasury. (See Appendix E for contact information.) Exports subject to taxes are: bananas, metals, raw sugar, natural resources and foreign currencies. Exports of textiles are also subject to an export authorization. IMPORT\EXPORT DOCUMENTATION Import Documentation The processing of customs documents in Panama for the purpose of importing raw materials or finished goods is fast, efficient and reliable. Merchandise imported into Panama must be cleared through customs by a customs broker licensed by the Government of Panama. Exceptions are made for goods which are imported duty free, consigned to national and municipal governments, imported by foreign diplomats, for sales to the authorities of the Canal Area, sold to vessels transiting the Canal, or intended for reexportation. Basic import documentation required by the Panamanian Customs office is: - Import Declaration (Prepared and signed by a Customs Broker), - Commercial Invoice (To be presented in English or Spanish in quadruplicate), - Airway Bill, - Bill of Lading (To be presented in triplicate), - Commercial License Number, - Tax Clearance Certificate (Stating that the importer does not owe any taxes to the Government), - Phytosanitary Certificate (In case of meat and meat products, to be obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture), and, - Certificate of Free Sale (if required) Any food product or other items used for human consumption (including for use on human skin or clothes may be subject to the Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) documentation requirement. The main purpose of the CFS is to prevent the dumping of inferior goods, especially for human consumption, to the Panamanian market. The CFS must verify that a product is sold freely and used widely in the U.S. Potential exporters of items subject to the CFS documentation requirement may wish to either contact: (1) their trade association which may provide the service issuing the documentation, or, (2) the Food and Drug Administration, Division of Programs and Enforcement Policy, 200 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20204. If for any reason the bill of lading or any other required document cannot be presented within 24 hours after the shipment has arrived, clearance of the goods will be permitted by posting a bond equal to the amount of import duties. The bond is cancelled if the prescribed documents are presented in due form within a period of 90 days. The bond may be extended, extendable in justified cases, an additional 90 days. Export Documentation A licensed customs broker is also required to handle the export paperwork related to merchandise exports. The Panama Trade Development Institute (IPCE), a government organization, was created in 1984 to promote exports and investment. IPCE facilitates the processing of export documentation through a "One Stop" (ventanilla unica) office which can reduce the export process to a few hours from a process that can take days or weeks. (Refer to Appendix E for contact information on IPCE). Export documentation required by Panamanian Customs authorities is: - Commercial Invoice, - Export Declaration (Prepared and signed by a Customs Broker), - Certificate of Origin (Issued by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Panama or the Panama Trade Development Institute), - Bill of Lading, - Airway Bill, - Veterinary, Sanitary or Phytosanitary Certificate (when applicable). TEMPORARY ENTRY The Panamanian Fiscal Code establishes a temporary entry regime, up to one year, for all types of merchandise. There are two options. First, the goods can enter the country under a guarantee payment equivalent to the total value of the import duty. This payment will be reimbursed at the time the goods leave the country. Second, an insurance company issues a bond guarantee covering the import duty value if the goods fail to exit the country in a pre-determined period of time. Special temporary provisions apply in the case of trade shows and exhibitions taking place at the Atlapa Convention Center, Panama's exhibition and convention center. Goods can enter the Atlapa Convention Center with no warranty payment or bond required. Samples with commercial value are subject to temporary entry requirements. Samples with no commercial value are admitted duty free. If samples arrive in large containers, they will be dutiable even though they may be marked as free sample. LABELING, MARKING REQUIREMENTS Panama has no special regulations for labeling and marking. Labels are required to have basic information regarding the name and address of the manufacturer, expiration date, list of ingredients, lot number, and the product form, e.g. powder, liquid, etc. Labels in English are accepted, except medicines, household products and special foods which require special instructions. In these cases instructions regarding dosage, usage, warnings, etc., must be in Spanish. All goods arriving in Panama intended to be reexported immediately must be marked "PANAMA IN TRANSIT" on each box or outside container. In general, products which comply with U.S. labeling and marking requirements, will also meet local requirements and are suitable for sale in Panama. PROHIBITED IMPORTS The following products cannot be imported into Panama: - Counterfeit coins or printed material that imitates monetary currencies, - Equipment or instruments for manufacturing coins, - Liquors, wines, beers or medicines with labels that describe false or deceiving contents, or of any kind of harmful preparation, - Certain firearms or war materials, - Foreign lotteries or raffle tickets, - Opium in the form of gum or for smoking, - Obscene brochures, books, newspapers, magazines, or postcards containing negative portrayals of the country's culture, civilization or dignity, and, - Plants, seeds, or animals when determined by the Ministry of Agriculture. STANDARDS (E.G. ISO 9000 Usage) While the Government of Panama has not designated a domestic registering authority for participation in the International Standards Organization ISO-9000 program, there is no legal limitation in Panama on participation in ISO-9000 by firms doing business here. Panama is a member of the Pan American Standards Commission (COPAN), headquartered in Venezuela. FREE TRADE ZONES/WAREHOUSES The Colon Free Zone The Colon Free Zone (CFZ), the largest in the Western Hemisphere and second to Hong Kong's, is located in the City of Colon, five kilometers from the Port of Cristobal on the Atlantic side of Panama and 90 kilometers from Panama City. Goods (except firearms or petroleum products) may be imported, stored, modified, repacked and re-exported without being subject to any customs regulations. Generally, most merchandise is transshipped from Panama to other parts of the Western Hemisphere and Europe. Imports into the CFZ come mainly from the Far East. The largest individual supplier of the CFZ in 1994 was Hong Kong, followed by Japan, the United States, Taiwan and South Korea. These five countries supply 67.5 percent of all imports through the CFZ. In descending order of exports from the CFZ, Colombia is the largest purchaser of merchandise, comprising nearly one quarter of all CFZ exports. Other principal buyers are Ecuador, Panama (domestic market), Venezuela, Aruba, the United States, Costa Rica and Chile. These countries buy 60% of all exports from the CFZ. The CFZ is administered as an autonomous institution of the Panamanian Government. It has been in operation since 1953. Today it is completely developed, and covers 300 hectares, including 45 hectares designated as an industrial zone. The CFZ offers free movement of goods and complete exemption from taxation on imports and re-exports. There are no taxes on the export of capital or the payment of dividends. In addition, there are reduced income tax rates on earnings from re-export sales. Furthermore, firms located in the CFZ are exempt from import duties as well as from guarantees, licensing, and other requirements and limitations on imports. Due to its geographic location, the CFZ is a major factor in facilitating the supply of goods from large industrialized countries to the consumer markets in Latin America. Unfortunately, the CFZ is also used by the Colombian drug cartels for money laundering and drug trafficking. Other suspicious CFZ transactions include trade in pirated intellectual property and stolen vehicles. The CFZ is operated and managed by its Board of Directors, an Executive Committee and the General Manager of the institution. Corporations or individuals of any nationality may establish operations in the CFZ without requirements of a commercial license or a minimum investment of capital. Firms interested in operating in the CFZ must file an application and provide a copy of its articles of incorporation and bank references. There are four basic ways of doing business in the CFZ: 1. Leasing lots on which the firm builds a warehouse or other facilities as designed by the firm. The land lease arrangements are granted for a 20-year period; 2. Purchasing an existing facility from the Zone Administration; 3. Reaching an agreement with a company already established in the CFZ as the operator's representative. The cost of this service is set by mutual agreement between the parties concerned. Representation agreements shall be subject to the approval of the Zone Administration; or, 4. Leasing a public warehouse operated by the Zone Administration. The firm receives its goods and stores them like any other company there. There are no fixed costs and the payment of services is based according to the weight or volume of the goods stored. Companies operating in the CFZ are engaged in four types of sales operations: 1. Foreign Trade Operation, involving the re-exportation of goods from CFZ warehouses; 2. Internal Trade Operation, consisting of sales to clients located within Panama's customs territory; 3. Direct Sales, those made to foreign clients in which goods are shipped from the manufacturing sources without physically arriving in the CFZ territory; or, 4. Transfer Operation, in which sales are made to other CFZ firms. Companies operating from the CFZ enjoy numerous trade advantages along with special tax incentives such as tax credits, depending on the number of Panamanian employees, and special income tax rates on foreign trade operations. Companies in the free zone pay a maximum corporate income tax rate of 15.0 percent on income derived from export sales. Dividends paid on profits from foreign trade operations and from direct sales are not subject to the dividend tax. Merchandise arriving at, stored in, or leaving the CFZ destined for a foreign country is exempt from taxes, charges or any type of fee. Also, CFZ companies are not subject to any type of federal or municipal tax. Contact the CFZ Administration and the Users Association for more information. (Refer to Section II of this report for key statistical information on the CFZ and to Appendix E for contact information). Export Processing Zones On November 30, 1992, Panama passed a Law No. 25 allowing for the establishment and development of Export Processing Zones (EPZ) within the country. EPZs are well-defined areas for the establishment of industrial, commercial and service facilities which operate in a free trade system. All its production is export-oriented and a range of incentives has been created to attract companies into the EPZ. Companies allowed to establish operations in EPZ are those engaged in: manufacturing, assembly (maquila), high technology, and specialized and general services, e.g. computer data entry, reinsurance. The EPZ law defines two different parties associated with the zone. The first is as developer of the EPZ. The second is as the tenant company located in the EPZ. The GOP offers the developer the following tax incentives: Tax exemption during the life of the contract (the maximum is 20 years), from taxes, duties and other charges related to the importation of machinery, equipment, accessories and material used in the construction of the facilities. Exempt from property and income taxes, and taxes on capital or assets for the first ten years of operation. From the 11th year until the end of the contract, the developer is exempt from income tax on net earnings reinvested in the development and expansion of the EPZ, provided that the amount reinvested exceeds 20 percent of the net taxable income for the fiscal year the reinvestment is made. Lastly, the developer may carry over losses from the year the loss takes place. The tenant companies exporting from an EPZ are offered the following benefits: Exempt from taxes, duties and other charges related to the importation of machinery, equipment, raw materials, semi- processed goods and other materials such as packaging, fuel and lubricants used in the manufacturing process. Exemption from income tax on profits arising from exports, and exemption from export sales taxes, as well as from taxes on capital and assets of the export industry. The EPZ law also includes specific labor and migratory provisions for employees of EPZ firms which are more favorable than the current Panamanian Labor Code. Presently, there are four EPZs approved by the GOP. Each is in various stages of development. Contact the Panama Trade Development Institute (IPCE) for information on EPZs. (Refer to Appendix E for contact information on IPCE). Petroleum Export Zones The Government of Panama enacted Decree No. 29 (Executive Decree) dated July 14, 1992, allowing the creation of Petroleum Export Zones (PEZ) in specially-designated areas in Panama. Decree No. 29 allows any foreign or national company to establish operations in a PEZ to produce, refine and export petroleum products. It also permits direct sales to foreign vessels transiting the Panama Canal, and to foreign airlines. Companies operating out of these PEZs are exempt of any municipal or federal taxes and are not subject to government regulations affecting the local market. The Government of Panama has authorized the following four PEZ: Petroterminal de Panama (PTP, the transisthmian pipeline), Refineria Panama (TEXACO), Autoridad Portuaria Nacional (APN, the Port Authority), and Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen. Contact the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Direccion Nacional de Hidrocarburos for more information. (Refer to Appendix E for contact information on the Ministry of Commerce and Industry). SPECIAL IMPORT PROVISIONS Special import permits are required for all types of firearms and ammunitions. Import permits can be obtained from the Ministry of Government and Justice. Also, certain agricultural and agroindustrial products are subject to import authorization by the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA). Examples are: wheat, flour, animal fats, vegetable and animal oils, soybean protein, and frozen corn. (Refer to Appendix E for contact information on the Ministry of Agricultural Development). MEMBERSHIP IN FREE TRADE ARRANGEMENTS Panama is not a party to any agreements providing completely free trade, but does have bilateral preferential trade agreements with Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua; these accords are quota-based and deal with a limited number of specific products. A more inclusive preferential agreement has been signed with Colombia. There is also a limited preferential agreement with Mexico. Negotiations are under way to sign a preferential agreement with Ecuador. Panama is a beneficiary of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act, better known as the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), which provides for one-way free trade access for specific Panamanian exports to the U.S. Recently the U.S. government has been contemplating new legislation (e.g. the Crane-Gibbons bill) that would enhance the CBI program. In return for NAFTA-like treatment for textiles and other miscellaneous items to the Caribbean Basin nations, the ITP would require from the Caribbean Basin Countries, on a bilateral basis, to make commitments mainly in the following areas: bilateral investment treaties, intellectual property rights, workers rights, and the environment. The interim Trade Program bill, the NAFTA Parity Resolution is still in committee in the House of Representatives and the Senate as of June, 1995. VII. INVESTMENT CLIMATE OPENNESS TO FOREIGN INVESTMENT On the one hand, taking its cue from Panama's central geographic location and its limited manufacturing and agricultural sectors, the Government of Panama and the business community actively promote this country's long-standing reputation as an international trading, banking, and services center, and as a site for foreign direct investment (FDI). Panamanian business persons and officials can point to Panama's dollar-based economy as offering low inflation and zero foreign exchange risk. The Panamanian Trade Development Institute (IPCE) provides investors with information, expedites specific projects, leads investment-seeking missions abroad, and supports foreign investment missions in Panama. On the other hand, as the new Minister for Planning and Economic Policy has noted, no major foreign investment has been made in Panama for at least 10 years. The Perez Balladares government which took office September 1, 1994, has embarked upon a vigorous campaign to improve Panamažs international image (e.g., on money laundering) and its infrastructures to attract FDI. A major test for the new government regarding its intention to improve Panama's attraction of FDI, will be how it employs the former military areas being reverted under the Canal treaties. Major properties will revert to Panamanian control in September 1995 and September 1996. The largest U.S. bases are scheduled to revert to Panama between 1997 and 1999. Government inattention to basic public infrastructure and public services, combined with slow progress on economic reforms that would establish clearer "rules of the game," undermine the generally welcoming stance toward foreign investment. Cumbersome legal procedures sometimes delay resolution of contract and other business disputes. Setting up shell corporations, however, is not cumbersome. Colon Free Zone: Official support for investment and business activity is especially strong in the Colon Free Zone (CFZ). There are special tax incentives to encourage investment in the CFZ and the international banking center. Companies in the free zone pay a maximum corporate income tax rate of 15.0 percent on income derived from export sales; income from purely offshore operations is not taxable; there are no taxes on the repatriation of profits or the payment of dividends. Banks in Panama pay no tax on interest or other income earned outside Panama and withhold no tax on savings or fixed time deposits in Panama. Several locations designated export processing zones (EPZ's) offer tax-free status and special immigration privileges, and license and customs exemptions to manufacturers who locate there. (Refer to Section VI for more detailed information on CFZ). Privatization: Panama has a program to privatize a number of state-owned enterprises. To date there has been privatization of the state cement company and a state owned fruit company. Partial privatization of the state telephone company is currently underway. Possible medium term privatizations may also occur in refuse collection services and some water utility operations. The government is also open to private investment in cellular telephone and other high-tech telecom services. Treatment of potential foreign investors in this process has been non- discriminatory, at least on the surface. Panama offers all investors (domestic and foreign) tax and other financial advantages if they invest in manufacturing ventures, export-oriented ventures, or tourism, or if they locate in certain regions of Panama. These advantages include tax- exemption of export income, exemption from import duties and accelerated depreciation. Many of these subsidies and special incentives are scheduled for elimination or modification by virtue of the GATT/WTO negotiations. Investors require substantial legal and accounting advice to take advantage of these incentives. (Refer to Right to Private Ownership and Establishment in Section VII for more information). POLITICAL VIOLENCE Political violence in Panama, prevalent during the later Noriega years, decreased sharply after Operation Just Cause in 1989 and is now rare. The 1994 national election, which international and domestic observers agree was the cleanest and fairest in three decades, was a model of the democratic political process. Peaceful elections were followed by a calm and coordinated transition as the Endara administration stepped aside to let its political rival take over the reins of the government. To date, the Perez Balladares government has chosen not to use its "gag law" authority to dampen the full and free expression of political ideas. Street crime, which has remained high since Operation Just Cause owing to poverty and weak institutions, is on the rise again. With the exception of restrained use of force against indigenous rights activists in April 1995, the police force monitored but did not interfere with anti-government demonstrations and strikes during the spring of 1995. Organized crime score settling and narcotics-related violence are disturbing elements of the rising crime trend. The overloaded and cumbersome criminal justice system has been unable to met out justice in the face of Panama's rising volume of crime. In June 1994 a grenade was used to bomb the car of a prominent Jewish businessman. No arrests have been made in this first-ever event in Panama. In July 1994 a Panamanian domestic commuter aircraft traveling between Colon and Panama City exploded, killing 21 people, including three American citizens. The attack remains under investigation by Panamanian and U.S. authorities. The attack, which killed several well-known members of Panama's Jewish community, may have been the work of terrorists. The alleged perpetrator, who was apparently carrying a bomb (knowingly or unknowingly) was on the plane when it exploded; no arrests have been made. The two incidents prompted the government to tighten airport security and to promise increased police vigilance against terrorists and their alleged support networks. CONVERSION AND TRANSFER POLICIES Panama has no legal restrictions on transfer abroad of funds associated with, profits deriving from, or capital employed in an investment. Panama uses the U.S. dollar as legal tender. Currency conversion therefore is not an issue. The Government of Panama has repeatedly emphasized its intention to retain the U.S. dollar as the national currency (denominated as the balboa); the U.S. Government has consistently supported Panama's use of the dollar. There is, therefore, no independent monetary policy in Panama. Inflation, bound by the dollar, is relatively low and predictable, thus enhancing foreign investments. EXPROPRIATION AND COMPENSATION Panama has no current cases of expropriation of property for public or any other use. There are no policy shifts or other indications suggesting that expropriation in the near future is likely. Although the Government of Panama did decide in 1993 not to sell publicly owned land (in Bocas del Toro Province) to U.S. investors, there are no large enterprises at special risk of expropriation. Beyond the OPIC insurance prohibition discussed below (Section on OPIC Investment Insurance), the Government of Panama does not in general discriminate against U.S. or other foreign investors. There is a constitutional prohibition against foreign land ownership within ten kilometers of a national border or on an island. Neither Panamanian citizens nor foreigners may own beaches or the shores of rivers or lakes. Builders and investors generally rent the land for 20-30 years, via the Ministry of Finance. The new tourism incentives law expands this period for up to 40 years. DISPUTE SETTLEMENT Disputes with foreign investors are rare. Where they have occurred, they have involved special circumstances not likely to be repeated. Most notable business complaints have involved individuals who have not fully pursued remedies available to them via the court system. Panama has a court and judicial system, like many Latin American countries, built around a civil code, rather than the Anglo-American system of reliance upon case law and judicial precedent. Fundamental procedural rights in civil cases are broadly similar to those available in U.S. civil courts, although some notice and discovery rights, particularly in administrative matters, may be less extensive than in the U.S.; judicial pleadings are not always a matter of public record. Business, corporate, and banking laws are relatively modern and sophisticated and in general are enforced so as to create a favorable business climate, although there is no modern bankruptcy law. Mortgages, liens, and other security interests are recognized. There is a public property registry, now undergoing expansion and modernization. The judiciary is independent, in law and practice, of the executive branch of government. Unique features of Panamanian law and practice in specific areas (including but not limited to banking, accounting requirements, formation and functioning of corporations, and taxation) make retention of local legal counsel advisable in many cases. In its bilateral investment treaty with the United States, Panama recognizes the "additional facility" of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) as a potential means of resolving disputes with foreign investors, outside of Panamanian courts. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS/INCENTIVES There are no performance requirements such as minimum export percentages or significant local procurement rules. There are special tax and other incentives for manufacturers to locate in an Export Processing Zone (EPZ), the only active one of which currently is at Isla Margarita, outside Colon (notional but inactive EPZ's exist at Ojo de Agua and Telepuerto). (Refer to Section VI - Export Processing Zones for detailed information.) Tax incentives are available to manufacturers, wherever located in Panama, who produce wholly or partially for export, in proportion to the percentage of product exported. There may, as a matter of administrative practice, be an official preference for local procurement of certain types of business insurance. Several tourism incentives laws provide, among other measures, tax exemptions for vehicles and other designated goods imported for use in, or to construct infrastructure for, the tourist sector. Tax incentives are still available to small businesses (less than 10 employees) and to certain types of agricultural production and investment, especially where production is for export. RIGHT TO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP AND ESTABLISHMENT With the exception of retail trade and certain professions, foreign and domestic entities have the right to establish, own, and dispose of business interests in virtually all forms of remunerative enterprise. Foreigners need not be legally resident or physically present in Panama to establish corporations or to obtain local operating licenses for a foreign corporation. Business visas (and even Panamanian passports) are readily obtainable for significant investors. Banking, legal and financial services and the legal regime are strongly oriented toward attracting foreign business and banking activity. Panama's privatization framework law does not distinguish between foreign and domestic investor participation in prospective privatizations. The law calls for pre-screening of potential investors or bidders in certain cases to establish technical viability, but nationality and Panamanian participation are not criteria. Foreigners have participated actively in all privatization to date. Privatization (in whole or in part) of state-owned entities such as the National Power and Light Company (IRHE), and the National Water Company (IDAAN) will require separate laws; in February 1995 the Legislative Assembly passed separate pieces of legislation allowing the partial privatization of the national telephone company (INTEL) (with private ownership limited to 49 percent) and revoking the monopoly of electricity generation held by the state electricity utility (IRHE). Privatization of these high-visibility, politically sensitive enterprises has been debated vigorously. There are likely to be limits on foreign investor participation if indeed the remaining core utilities are ever privatized. (Refer to the Privatization portion in this Section for more information). PROTECTION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS Intellectual Property Rights Panama is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Geneva Phonograms Convention, the Brussels Satellite Convention, and the Universal Copyright Convention. Although Panama is not a member of the Bern Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works or the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Government of Panama has submitted to its Legislative Assembly a bill for Panama to accede to the Paris Convention; accession to the Bern and Paris Conventions will be necessary if Panama is to join GATT/WTO. In general, protection for intellectual property rights in Panama has in the past been less than adequate in several areas. Panama's adherence to other major international conventions on intellectual property rights would offer more protection to foreign rights-holders than is available under current Panamanian law. The U.S.-Panama Bilateral Investment Treaty, negotiated in 1983 but not put into effect until 1992, does not contain an intellectual property annex. In the past, representatives of some U.S. industrial sectors have alleged Panama provides inadequate copyright and trademark protection. The National Assembly in August 1994 passed a bill to help modernize copyright protection. Implementing regulations for the new copyright law, which took effect January 1, 1995, are still pending. The Government of Panama is expected to introduce a draft bill to the National Assembly in September 1995 to strengthen industrial property protection (patents, trademarks, and trade secrets). The Government of Panama has stated its intention to improve customs controls and enforcement of existing law in the Colon Free Zone, where copyright and trademark infringing activity have been heaviest. Some U.S. intellectual property owners have experienced significant delays when they have sought infringement remedies in the Panamanian judicial system. Patents The current Panamanian draft law on industrial property is modeled after Mexico's new, world-class industrial property law. The Panamanian draft law would provide 20 years of patent protection in place of the current period of 5 to 15 years for foreigners and 5 to 20 years for Panamanians. The bill would grant patent protection from the date of filing. Pharmaceutical patents would be granted for only 15 years, but could be renewed for an additional ten years, if the patent owner licensed a national company (minimum of 30 percent Panamanian ownership) to exploit the patent. Other important aspects of the current draft law are undergoing review by the government of Panama in light of GATT (chapter on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property, or TRIPS) standards. The bill also provides for protection of trademarks, simplifying the process of registering trademarks and making them renewable for ten-year periods. Although complaints of inadequate intellectual property laws and enforcement have not focused on them, trade secrets currently have little formal protection. The draft industrial property law, however, would provide specific protection for trade secrets. Copyrights The National Assembly in 1994 passed a comprehensive copyright bill, based on a World Intellectual Property Organization model. The law modernizes copyright protection in Panama, provides for payment of royalties, facilitates the prosecution of copyright violators, protects computer software, and makes copyright infringement a felony. There is widespread support for the improvement of copyright protection in Panama, although some powerful domestic interests opposed the new law. Even with the new law, however, key implementation issues remain before copyright owners will be assured of a modern, completely investment-friendly copyright regime. Necessary elements of such a regime would include effective enforcement by government authorities of the new statute, as well as the ability of Panama's judicial system to provide speedy and effective remedies for private civil litigants under the law. Panama's current copyright registration and patent and trademark registration capabilities need to be upgraded in any case. REGULATORY SYSTEM Transparency Government regulation and occasional intervention in the Panamanian economy have tended to reduce transparency, hinder competition and the efficient allocation of investment. The government's economic liberalization program is designed to reduce these distortions and increase competition and competitiveness. Pending final conclusion of an agreement for Panamažs GATT/WTO accession, Government-administered price controls remain on a number of agricultural products, such as feed grains and poultry, and on a mix of designated food items and other staples (the basic shopping basket, or "canasta basica"). High nominal tariff protection, and high effective protection (non-tariff barriers) keep some product prices artificially high for now and discourage the development of efficient export-oriented firms. Incident to Panama's pending application to join GATT, Panama's tariff structure is being adjusted, and non-tariff barriers are being tariffized. Factors Affecting Investment Overregulation of hiring and firing practices reduces labor mobility and flexibility. Public enterprises provide high-cost public services, with no more than partial privatization likely in the near future. The National Labor Code ranks with the most pro-labor in the world. The combination of relatively high costs for both utilities and labor makes unit costs higher than average for the region. Although the Panamanian constitution forbids certain kinds of monopolistic behavior, Panama has no modern competition or anti-trust laws, policy, or regulatory authority now in place. As a result of the GATT/WTO negotiations now underway, the Government of Panama has prepared draft legislation to establish a competition policy and enforcement authority, along with a consumer protection regime. Passage is contingent on the outcome and timing of Panamažs GATT/WTO negotiations. Oligopolistic distortions in many domestic markets are for now unchecked, and contribute to continuing support for food price controls. Consumers have few rights under current law, although the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has the authority to enforce the very limited consumer protection laws which do exist. An accommodating bankruptcy law to facilitate the restructuring of firms, such as Chapter 11 in the U.S., does not exist in Panama. Panama's banking sector is regulated by the National Banking Commission (CBN), which coordinates government policy with bank executives represented by the National Banking Association (ABP). The continued success and vigorous growth of the banking sector is directly attributable to the very business and depositor- oriented laws, passed in the 1970's, which govern this sector. In April 1993, a law was passed creating tax incentives for the creation of voluntary pension funds (IRA's) by individuals or corporations. The tax system promotes savings and investment by giving a wide variety of incentives and maintaining rates which are comparable to those in the U.S. The maximum personal income tax rate is 30 percent and the maximum corporate rate is 34 percent of domestically produced earnings. Other formal legal, regulatory, and accounting systems are relatively transparent, but their enforcement is diminished somewhat by certain non- transparent aspects of legal practice and the judicial process. Although tax collection methods have been strengthened in 1994 and 1995, the overall regulatory and supervisory framework is weak. CAPITAL MARKETS AND PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT Stock market financing is limited due to the small size of the national stock exchange, and the limited liquidity which is therefore available. Bank and non-bank financing is available on market terms to private domestic and foreign investors. Panamanian interest rates closely follow international rates (i.e., the London Interbank Offered Rate - LIBOR), plus a country-risk premium. Traditional bank lending from the well-developed banking sector is relatively efficient and is the most common source of financing. Some private companies -- including foreign multinational corporations -- have issued bonds on the fledgling local securities market. Companies rarely issue stock on the local market. When they do, investor demand is limited because there is a 10 percent withholding tax on dividends, although company earnings on the exchange are tax exempt (Fixed bank deposits and certain bonds are tax-exempt.). A bill currently pending before the National Assembly would allow the creation of and trading by mutual funds on the Panama Stock Exchange. The private sector does have access to a variety of credit instruments. International accounting norms apply. Cross- shareholding or stable shareholder arrangements, designed to restrict foreign investment through mergers and acquisitions, do not exist. There are no restrictions on or customary measures to prevent hostile foreign investor takeovers, nor are there regulatory provisions authorizing limitations on foreign participation or control, or other practices to restrict foreign participation. The constitutional prohibition on foreign ownership of retail enterprises is discussed above. There are no government or private sector rules to prevent foreign participation in industry standards-setting consortia, such as ISO-9000. BILATERAL INVESTMENT AGREEMENTS Panama has bilateral investment agreements with the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Germany and Taiwan. Panama is not a party to any agreements providing for completely free trade, but does have bilateral preferential trade agreements with Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua; these accords are quota-based and deal with a limited number of specific products. A more inclusive preferential agreement was recently concluded with Colombia. OPIC INVESTMENT INSURANCE PROGRAM OPIC is supporting several U.S. investments in Panama. In general, modest expansion of OPIC programs is possible. Panama has not yet eliminated its requirement that Panamanian Government approval be obtained for any OPIC-insured investment in Panama. President Endara vetoed a bill which would have eliminated this investment barrier in June 1994. Panama thus retains a major bureaucratic burden on investment here, complicating what remains a largely favorable national investment climate. Panama has approached the World Bank to join its Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), which provides investment guarantees similar to OPIC, but has been unable to join to date due to budgetary limitations; a government proposal to fund MIGA membership is pending. LABOR CODE The Government of Panama is in the process of revising its labor code, which has heretofore been highly pro-labor union. New proposals would create more flexibility in the labor market, making termination of workers easier and less costly. Greater labor flexibility on the shop floor also would be included in the proposed revisions, along with lifting many constraints on productivity-based pay. A revised code is expected to be enacted into law by mid-to-late summer, 1995. Even with the proposed changes, the Government would still play a major role in the labor market and the Panamanian minimum wage will remain the highest in the region. (Refer to Section III for information on the Labor Force.) FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Tables in Appendix D provide data on the value of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Panama for the years 1980 - 1992 (preliminary for 1992), FDI by country of origin for 1992, and FDI by industry sector destination for 1979 and 1992. The sources are the office of the Comptroller-General and the IMF. There are no comparable data on Panama's direct investment abroad. MAJOR FOREIGN INVESTORS - Adrian Resources - American Airlines - American Hospital Supply Co. - American Life Insurance Co. - AOKI Corporation - AT&T - Banco Do Brasil - Banco Exterior, S.A. - Becton Dickinson & Co. - Black and Decker International Corp. - Borden Co. - Braswell Service Group - Bristol Laboratories International Corp. - Challenge Air Cargo - Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. - Cheesebrough Pond's Int. Ltd. - Chiriqui Land Company (Chiquita) - Chevron Corp. - Citibank, N.A. - Coca-Cola Bottling Co. - Colgate Palmolive (Central America), Inc. - Cyprus Minerals Co. - Del Monte Corporation - Dole Foods Co. - Eastman Kodak Company - Environmental System Research Institute - Exxon Corp. - Esso Standard Oil, S.A. - First National Bank of Boston - Freeport Exploration Co. - General Mills Inc. - Georgia Pacific Corp. - Glidden - Durkee - Greenstone Resources - Griffith Laboratories, Inc. - Grupo Carvajal - Goldstar Corp. - GTE - Hong Kong Shangai Bank - Hospital Corporation of America - IBM - International Proteins Corp. - Jenny Manufacturing, Inc. - Johnson and Johnson - Kendall Company - Ketchum Public Relations - Kimberly-Clark International, S.A. - Kraft Foods, Inc. - Lanier Worldwide, Inc. - Lykes Line - Marine Midland Bank - McDonald's Corporation - Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Int'l - Minnesota, Mining & Manufacturing - Nabisco Brands Inc. - Nestle Company - Northville Industries Corp. - Otis Elevator Company - Chas. Pfizer & Company, Inc. - Panasonic Latin America - Phelps Dodge Corp. - Phillip Morris, Inc. - PYCSA, S.A. - Revlon Inc. - Rubbermaid Inc. - Samsung Electronics - Schering Corp. International - Seaboard Marine Ltd. - Sherwin Williams - The Gillette Co. - Shell Co. (WI) Ltd. - Sony Corporation - Sterling Drugs International - Swift and Company - Swiss Bank - Syntex Corporation - Technoserve Inc. - Texaco Inc. - TRT Telecommunications Corp. - Twentieth Century Fox - United Brands - United Parcel Service - UNYSIS USA - Warner Lambert Co. - Xerox Corp. VIII. TRADE AND PROJECT FINANCING BANKING AND FINANCING Panamažs banking sector is one of the most dynamic areas of the economy (Panama's 108 banks registered total deposits in 1994 of US$ 26 billion, and US$ 32.8 billion in total assets, a 25.8 percent increase from 1993). Panama opened its banking sector to foreign competition in 1971 under legislation with places high priority on banker-depositor confidentiality. This has permitted the banking system to be exploited by drug money launderers. The banking legislation distinguishes between General license banks, which operate full service operations in Panama competing for domestic deposits and loans, and International License or "Offshore" banks, which only accept deposits from persons or organizations located overseas. Foreign and Panamanian banks compete on equal terms. Banks are organized into two representative organizations, the Panamanian Banking Association (ABP) and the Association of Panamanian Banks (APB). Banks are licensed and regulated by the National Banking Commission (CBN), a relatively weak, semi-autonomous regulatory/oversight body whose oversight board includes private bankers. Panamanian banks dedicate a significant portion of their loan portfolio to finance commerce, including imports. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROLS Trading is unaffected by foreign exchange controls, since the U.S. dollar is used as the national currency and there are no restrictions on capital flows in or out of the country. There is therefore, no foreign exchange risk. GENERAL FINANCING AVAILABILITY In mid-1995 the banking sector had a high level of liquidity. Private financing is readily available. The Government of Panama does not maintain statistics on the sources or level of privately-financed investment or trade and is not itself an important lender. HOW TO FINANCE EXPORTS/METHODS OF PAYMENT A number of local banks provide financing for exports. Additionally, the Latin American Export Bank (BLADEX) provides export financing through the local banking system. Being an international banking center there are a number of financing options for Panamanian exporters/importers. TYPES OF AVAILABLE EXPORT FINANCING AND INSURANCE The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM), the International Finance Corporation(IFC) of the World Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) have a number of projects in Panama. OPIC in recent years has provided insurance or financing for over 30 projects in Panama, 10 of which are still current and provide insurance for ventures in manufacturing, agriculture, and infrastructure (totalling some US$ 7 million). Currently there are no projects in Panama large enough to require multi- institutional "bundling" arrangements. The Commodity Credit Corporation's (CCC) GSM Credit Guarantee program in Panama for fiscal year 1995 totalled US$ 20 million for exports of U.S. rice, feedgrains, protein meals, wheat, solid wood products and barley malt. Credit from any bank in Panama approved by CCC will be guaranteed. Significant lines of commodity credit guarantees were still available at the time of this writing. PROJECT FINANCING AVAILABLE Exim in 1993 participated in the financing of the Government of Panama's purchase of a Westinghouse aviation radar system, and currently is providing financing in excess of US$ 121 million in insurance and guarantees (short, medium and long-term) in a number of sectors in Panama. The Inter-American Development Bank has several major current projects, including the financing of a study for GOP development of the U.S. military bases reverting to Panamanian control under the Panama Canal Treaties, between 1994 and 1999. The World Bank (IBRD) has a number of small social- sector-oriented projects, and is currently cofinancing with IDB and the Government of Panama a USD 406 million road construction and rehabilitation project. Release of further tranches of the IBRD's economic recovery loan for Panama is dependent upon significant improvements in the government's economic liberalization and privatization program. As noted above, Panama has held discussions with IBRD about membership in MIGA, but has no application to join at present. The Perez Balladares government has pursued financing from the IFI's for a number of new infrastructure and social sector investment projects (see also Section II, Infrastructure Situation). LIST OF PANAMANIAN BANKS WITH CORRESPONDENT U.S. BANKS Banco Comercial de Panama, S.A. (BANCOMER) P.O. Box 7659 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 63-6800 Fax: (507) 63-8033 General Manager: Emanuel Gonzalez-Revilla U.S. Correspondents: Citibank N.A., New York The Bank of New York, New York The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., New York Marine Midland Bank, N.A., New York Barnett Bank of South Florida, N.A., Miami Banco Continental de Panama, S.A. P.O. Box 135 Panama, 9A, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 63-5955 Fax: (507) 64-3359 General Manager: Paul Smith U.S. Correspondents: Chemical Bank, New York Citibank, New York and Miami Credit Suisse, Miami Nations Bank, Miami Standard Chartered Bank PLC, Miami Banco de Latinoamerica, S.A. (BANCOLAT) P.O. Box 4401 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 64-0466 Fax: (507) 63-7368 General Manager: Ramon Gilberto Perez U.S. Correspondents: Banco Atlantico, New York The Chase Manhattan Bank, New York Extebank, New York AmTrade Bank International, Miami Barclays Bank PLC, Miami Capital Bank N.A., Miami Hamilton Bank N.A., Miami The International Bank of Miami, Miami Republic National Bank of Miami, Miami Popular Bank of Florida, Miami Banco del Istmo, S.A. P.O. Box 6-3823, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 69-5555 Fax: (507) 69-5168 General Manager: J. Montague Belanger U.S. Correspondents: Capital Bank, Miami Nations Bank, Miami Standard Chartered Bank, Miami Banco Atlantico, Miami Barclays Bank PLC, Miami The Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., New York Brown Brothers Hamman & Co., New York Banco del Pacifico, S.A. P.O. Box 6-3100, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 63-5833 Fax: (507) 63-7481 Operations Manager: Luis E. Hernandez U.S. Correspondent: First Chicago International Bank, New York Banco Disa, S.A. P.O. Box 7201 Panama 1, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 63-5933 Fax: (507) 64-1084 Manager: Rafael Endara J. U.S. Correspondents: The Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., New York and Miami Marine Midland Bank, New York Nations Bank International, New York Dadeland Bank, Miami National Westminister USA International, Miami Banco General, S.A. P.O. Box 4592 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 27-3200 Fax: (507) 27-3427 General Manager: Raul Aleman Z. U.S. Correspondents: Citibank N.A., New York The Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., New York Marine Midland Bank, New York Bank of America N.T. & S.A., San Francisco Nations Bank, Atlanta Dadeland National Bank, Miami First Union Bank, Miami Banco Internacional de Costa Rica, S.A. (BICSA) P.O. Box 600 Panama 1, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 63-6822 Fax: (507) 63-6393 General Manager: Jose Francisco Ulate U.S. Correspondents: Citibank N.A., New York BankAmerica International, New York Banco Atlantico, New York The Bank of New York, New York Banco Internacional de Panama, S.A. (BIPAN) P.O. Box 11181 Panama 6, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 63-9000 Fax: (507) 63-9514 General Manager: Rene A. Diaz A. U.S. Correspondents: Nations Bank International, Miami Barclays Bank, Miami Banco Internacional de Costa Rica, Miami Banco Latinoamericano de Exportaciones, S.A. (BLADEX) P.O. Box 6-1497, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 63-6766 Fax: (507) 69-6333 Chief Executive Officer: Jose Castaneda U.S. Correspondents: The Chase Manhattan Bank N.A., New York Citibank N.A., New York Credit Lyonnais, New York Swiss Bank Corporation, New York Barclays Bank PLC, Miami Banco Panamericano, S.A. (PANABANK) P.O. Box 1828 Panama 1, Panama Tel: (507) 62-0881 Fax: (507) 69-1537 VP of Operations: Ruth B. de Arauz U.S. Correspondents: American Express Bank, New York Marine Midland Bank, New York Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, New York Popular Bank of Florida, Miami Hamilton Bank N.A., Miami Barclays Bank PLC, Miami Nations Bank International, Miami Note: This list is intended to be representative and not complete. Further detailed information on these banks and other banks in Panama can be located in the Polk Register or by contacting the Asociacion Bancaria de Panama (Panamanian Bank Association), P.O. Box 4554, Panama 5, Republic of Panama; Tel: (507) 63-7044, Fax: (507) 23-7630 or 63-7783. (Refer to Appendix E for the three U.S. Banks with operations in Panama). IX. BUSINESS TRAVEL Foreign visitors should use the same precautions while traveling in Panama as in any metropolitan U.S. city. BUSINESS CUSTOMS Business practices and customs in Panama are a unique blend of North American methods and traditional Latin style. The large number of international banks that operate in Panama also bring their business practices and customs, which are emulated and assimilated by Panamanian businesspersons. Foreign corporations operating in Panama are important forces in shaping the style and manner of doing business. Most private business offices are open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Banks are open from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Most government offices are open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. TRAVEL ADVISORY AND VISAS U.S. Citizens are subject to the laws of the country in which they are traveling. Penalties in Panama for possession, use and trafficking in illegal drugs are strict. Electronic Bulletin Board: In 1987, the State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs established the Consular Affairs Bulletin Board or (CABB), as a means to keep the international business community informed about security or crime problems abroad. Access to the CABB is free of charge to anyone with a computer and a modem. Callers dial 202-647-9225 from their modem. Both Consular Affairs and the Bureau of Diplomatic Security update the CABB daily. Also, the Travel Advisory Service of the Department of State can provide information in verbal and fax form for any travel warnings on traveling to foreign countries. For verbal information contact tel: (202)647-5225. To receive a facsimile, the interested traveller can call (202)647-3000. U.S. citizens may enter Panama with a passport or a certified copy of a U.S. birth certificate and an official picture I.D., (e.g. driver's license) and a Tourist Card purchased for US$ 5.00 from an airline serving Panama. The Tourist Card is valid for 30 days and may be extended for two more 30-day periods. The following are three types of Visas available to businesspersons wishing to spend extended periods of time in Panama: 1. Inversionista (Investor): A minimum of US$ 50,000 must be invested and US$ 600 must be deposited in advance (US$ 500 with the Ministry of Government and Justice and US$ 100 with the Ministry of Treasury). 2. Visa de Visitante Temporal (Temporary Visitor's Visa): For executives or technicians working with a company in Panama for a limited time. The Visa is valid for one year and is renewable. 3. Temporal Especial (Working Permit): For professional or skilled personnel transferred from an overseas office to work in Panama. The applicant must prove his earnings will come from outside of Panama. The Visa is valid for one year and is renewable. Further information can be obtained from the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Panama, Unit 0945, APO AA 34002, Tel: (507) 227-1777, Fax: (507) 227-0239. HOLIDAYS All private, government, municipal and U.S. Embassy offices are closed during holidays. In addition the U.S. Mission observes all U.S. holidays. The national holidays typically are (check for exact dates for a particular year): January 1 New Year's Day January 9 Mourning Day February 20 Carnival April 15 Good Friday May 1 Labor Day November 3 Independence Day from Colombia November 4 Flag Day November 10 The Uprising of Los Santos November 28 Independence Day from Spain December 8 Mother's Day December 25 Christmas Day There are a large number of Jewish establishments, which observe all Jewish holidays. BUSINESS INFRASTRUCTURE Panama's official language is Spanish. However, English is widely spoken as a second language in the main cities. Panama has excellent local and international telephone services. Direct dialing is available to more than 150 countries worldwide with fast, high density telephone communications systems. Other forms of communications include 170 radio stations and 27 television channels, five of which transmit locally. Health conditions in Panama are good, especially in the urban centers. Running water is available in almost all parts of the country. Some rural areas and small towns in the provinces may require boiling water before drinking. There are several hotels that maintain international standards and facilities. Facilities usually include: swimming pools, tennis courts, fitness centers, clothing and souvenir shops, casino, restaurants, coffee shops and bars. Furnished apartments are available for longer stays. A wide variety of restaurants offer international cuisine, such as: Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Spanish and Japanese. Several specialize in seafood. All large hotels offer American, European, and local cuisine. There are some hotel coffee shops that are open around the clock. Transportation from the International Airport into Panama City is by a special taxi service, and the price ranges from as low as US$ 12 per trip for small taxis to US$ 20 for the large taxis. There is no bus service to and from the international airport; however, taxis may be shared with other passengers. Car rental companies are also available. Transportation services within the city are readily available by bus or taxi. Taxi fares are low and may range from one to five dollars depending on the trip's length. The official currency of Panama is the Balboa (symbol B/.) which is on par with the U.S. Dollar. The Balboa exists only in coin form of the same denomination and size as U.S. coins. Both U.S. dollar bills and coinage are used for all tenders. Both the U.S. system of weights and measures and the metric system are used in Panama. Speed limits are posted in miles per hour in some places, kilometers per hour in other places and some signs have both miles and kilometers per hour limits given. APPENDIX A COUNTRY DATA Population: 2.58 Million Population Growth Rate: 1.8 Percent Religion: Predominantly Roman Catholic, complete religious freedom Government: Constitutional Democracy Language: Spanish, English widely spoken Work Week: Monday - Friday APPENDIX B DOMESTIC ECONOMY (millions of U.S. Dollars, except as noted) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 (preli.) (esti.)(proj.) GDP (current prices) 6,001.16,561.96,958.07,222.4 7504 Real GDP Growth Rate 8.6% 5.9% 4.7% 2.3% 2.4% GDP (1970 dollars) 2,214.12,345.12,441.9 2,498 2,558 GDP per Capita (U.S. Dollars)2,412 2,588 2,697 2,750 2,807 Govt. Spending (as a % of GDP)30.7% 28.0% 22.6% 25.8% 24% Inflation (%) 1.8% 0.5% 1.3% 1.5% 1.5% Unemployment (%) 13.1% 12.5% 13.8% 14.5% 15% Foreign Exchange Reserves* 504.4 597.4 704.3 753.5 700** Average Exchange Rate Balboas to U.S. Dollars 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Foreign Debt 5,204.05,313.45,513.0 5,933 5300** Debt Service Ratio 28.7% 13.8% 12.8% 18% 18% (ratio of principal and interest payments on foreign debt to foreign income) U.S. Economic Assistance 187.0 45.0 4.4 3.0 6.3 U.S. Military Assistance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sources: Government of Panama, U.S. Embassy projections * Corresponds to foreign assets of the National Bank of Panama ** Assumes successful closure of Panama's debt reduction "("Brady") agreement with its foreign commercial bank creditors, to take effect by February 1996. APPENDIX C TRADE (millions of U.S. Dollars, except as noted) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 (prelim.) (estim.) (proj.) Total Country Exports 474.2 507.6 532.5 540 570 Total Country Imports 1,825.51,979.6 2,202.6 2,345 2,512 U.S. Exports* 1,150.01,298.91,276.3 1,315 1,354 U.S. Imports* 343.0 360.0 354.3 380 386 U.S. Share of Panama Imports 57% 66% 58% 56% 54% * Includes Exports to the Colon Free Zone Sources: Panama Comptroller General's Office, U.S. National Trade Data Bank, Embassy Projections APPENDIX D INVESTMENTS STATISTICS FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PANAMA STOCK AND FLOWS: 1980 - 1993 (IN US$ MILLIONS AND AS PERCENT OF GDP) (A) (B) (C) (A)/ (B)/ Year StockFlow GDP (C) (C) 1980 386 -47 3,559 10.8% -1.3% 1981 395 6 3,878 10.2% 0.2% 1982 429 3 4,279 10.0% 0.1% 1983 471 72 4,374 10.8% 1.6% 1984 490 10 4,566 10.7% 0.2% 1985 533 59 4,901 10.9% 1.2% 1986 491 -62 5,145 9.5% -1.2% 1987 534 57 5,310 10.1% 1.1% 1988 501 -52 4,551 11.0% -1.1% 1989 519 36 4,582 11.3% 0.8% 1990 492 -30 5,009 9.8% -0.6% 1991 454 -62 5,476 8.3% -1.1% 1992 469 2 6,001 7.8% 0.0% 1993* 432 -37 6,562 6.6% -0.6% * 1993 figures were being revised by GOP at publication. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PANAMA BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 1993* US$ PERCENT MILLIONS OF TOTAL TOTAL 432 100% United States 321 74% Costa Rica 24 6% United Kingdom 17 4% Japan 16 4% Other 54 13% * 1993 figures were being revised by GOP at publication. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN PANAMA BY SECTOR: 1979 AND 1992 1979 1993* U$ PERCENT US$ PERCENT MILLIONS OF TOTAL MILLIONS OF TOTAL TOTAL 342 100% 432 100% Agriculture/Forestry/ Fishing 55 16.1% 36 8.3% Manufacturing 175 51.2% 188 43.5% Commerce 67 19.6% 74 17.1% Transport/Storage/ Communication 8 2.3% 52 12.0% Finance/Real Estate 36 10.5% 60 13.9% Services 1 0.3% 10 2.3% Other 0 0.0% 12 2.8% * 1993 figures were being revised by GOP at publication. APPENDIX E U.S. AND COUNTRY CONTACTS U.S. EMBASSY TRADE RELATED CONTACTS U.S. Embassy Mailing Address in the U.S.: Unit 0945 APO AA 34002 Tel: (507) 227-1777 Fax: (507) 227-1964 The Commercial Service Senior Commercial Officer, Americo Tadeu Senior Trade Specialist, J. Enrique Tellez Commercial Assistant, Jilma A. de Robles Commercial Secretary, Diana Lozano Commercial Clerk, Jeane A. de Zu¤iga Tel: (507) 227-1777 Fax: (507) 227-1713 U.S. Embassy, Economic Section (Trade Policy, Industry Specialists) Chief, Economic Section, James M. Roberts Labor Attache, John Mohanco Economic Officer, Andrew Ericksen Economic Officer, Robert C. Ward Tel: (507) 227-1777 Fax: (507) 227-1964 U.S. Agency for International Development Director, David E. Mutchler Tel: (507) 263-6011 Fax: (507) 264-0104 WASHINGTON-BASED USG COUNTRY CONTACTS U.S. Department of State Desk Officers, Raymond Baca/Raymond Dalland ARA (Inter American Affairs)/CEN-PAN 2201 C St. NW Washington, DC 20520 Tel: (202) 647-4986 Fax: (202) 647-2901 U.S. Department of the Treasury Desk Officer, Dwight Wolkow 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20220 Tel: (202) 622-1266 Fax: (202) 622-1273 U.S. Department of Commerce International Economic Policy Panama Desk Officer, Juan Verde Room 3025 14th & Constitution Ave. Washington, D.C. 20230 Tel: (202) 482-5680 Fax: (202) 482-4157 U.S. Department of Commerce Liaison Office of Inter-American Development Bank Director, Judith A. Henderson 1250 H Street, NW, 10th Floor Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel: (202) 942-8260 Fax: (202) 942-8275 U.S. Department of Commerce Liaison Office to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development U.S. Executive Director's Office 1818 H St., NW, Room D-13004 Washington, D.C. 20433 Tel: (202) 458-0118 Fax: (202) 477-2967 U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Multilateral Development Banks Director, Brenda Ebeling Room H-1107 Washington, D.C. 20230 Tel: (202) 482-3399 Fax: (202) 273-0927 U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Trade Policy, Marsha Moke 12th and Jefferson Drive, SW Washington, DC 20250 Tel: (202) 720-6010 Fax: (202) 690-2079 Overseas Private Investment Corporation 1100 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20527 Insurance Officer, Joan Cezarr Tel: (202) 336-8472 Fax: (202) 408-5142 Finance Officer, Adrien Seaton Tel: (202) 336-8472, Fax: (202) 408-9866 Export-Import Bank of the U.S. 811 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20571 Business Development, Paula Swain-Priestly Tel: (202) 565-3921 Fax: (202) 565-3931 U.S. Trade and Development Agency Regional Director for Latin America, Al Angulo Country Desk Officer, Orlando Velez Room 309, S.A. - 16 Deaprtment of State Washington, D.C. 20523-1602 Tel: (703) 875-4357 Fax: (703) 875-4009 Office of U.S. Trade Representative Deputy Assistant USTR for Latin America and the Caribbean, Ralph Ives Director for Caribbean Basin Affairs, Sean Murphy Office of the U.S. Trade Representative 600 17th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20506 Tel: (202) 395-5190 Fax: (202) 395-3911 U.S. - BASED MULTIPLIER ORGANIZATIONS RELEVANT FOR COUNTRY Embassy of Panama Ambassador Dr. Ricardo Alberto Arias 2862 McGill Terrace NW Washington, DC 20008 Tel: (202) 483-1407 Fax: (202) 483-8413 Instituto Panameno de Comercio Exterior (Panama Trade Development Institute) Regional Director, Rosalinda Pinilla 1477 South Miami Ave., 2nd Floor Miami, FL 33130 Tel: (305) 374-8435 Fax: (305) 374-1933 Toll Free: (800) 245-1591 MINISTRIES AND GOVERNMENT OWNED AGENCIES IN PANAMA Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) Minister Nitzia de Villareal P.O. Box 9658 Panama 4, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-4222 Fax: (507) 227-4134 Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Direccion Nacional de Hidrocarburos (Hydrocarbon Administration) Director General, Hugo Tovar P.O. Box 9658 Panama 4, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-5674 Fax: (507) 227-3927 Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Direccion General de Registro de la Propiedad Industrial (Industrial Property Registry Administration) Director General, Luz Celeste R. de Davis P.O. Box 9658 Panama 4, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-3987 Fax: (507) 227-2139 Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Direccion de Recursos Minerales (Mineral Resources Department) Director General, Ing. Francia de Sierra P.O. Box 3515 Panama 5, Rep. of Panama Tel: (507) 236-1823 Fax: (507) 236-3173 Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias Oficina de Comercio Interior (Local Trade Office) Director General, Mirta Guevara de Buendia P.O. Box 9658 Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-2161 Fax: (507) 227-2139 Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (Ministry of Agricultural Development) Minister, Carlos Sousa Lennox P.O. Box 5390 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 232-5043 Fax: (507) 232-5044 Ministerio de Gobierno y Justicia (Ministry of Government and Justice) Direccion de Seguridad Publica (Public Security Administration) Director General, Jerry Wilson Navarro P.O. Box 1628 Panama 1, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 262-2929 Fax: (507) 262-3511 Ministerio de Hacienda y Tesoro (Ministry of Treasury) Minister Olmedo Miranda, Jr. P.O. Box 7304 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-4998 Fax: (507) 227-2357 Ministerio de Hacienda y Tesoro Direccion Nacional de Aduanas (Customs Service) Director General, Ing. Fernando Mendizabal P.O. Box 1671 Balboa, Ancon Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 232-5355 Fax: (507) 232-6494 Ministerio de Hacienda y Tesoro Direccion de Proveeduria y Gastos Departamento de Proponentes (Procurement Office) Chief - Neyra de Perez P.O. Box 1671 Balboa Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-4372 Fax: (507) 225-1620 Ministerio de Salud (Ministry of Health) Minister, Dr. Aida M. de Rivera P.O. Box 2048 Panama 1, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 225-6080 Fax: (507) 227-5276 Ministerio de Salud Direccion de Control de Alimentos y Vigilancia Veterinaria (Food Control and Veterinary Control Administration) Director General, Rogelio Sinan Dominguez P.O. Box 2048 Panama 1, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 262-1619 Fax: (507) 262-5443 Ministerio de Obras Publicas (Ministry of Public Works) Minister, Luis Blanco P.O. Box 1632 Panama 1, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 232-5572 Fax: (507) 232-5776 Autoridad de la Region Interoceanica (Interoceanic Regional Authority) Administrator, Nicolas Ardito Barletta P.O. Box 2097, Balboa Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 228-8044 Fax: (507) 228-8988 Autoridad Portuaria Nacional (National Port Authority) Director General, Hugo Torrijos P.O. Box 8062 Panama 7, Rep. of Panama Tel: (507) 269-7597 Fax: (507) 264-2727 Administracion de la Zona Libre de Colon (Colon Free Zone Administration) General Manager, Victoria Figge P.O. Box 1118 Colon, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 445-1033 or 445-1559 Fax: (507) 445-2165 Direccion de Aeronautica Civil (DAC) (National Aeronautics Authority) Director General, Eustacio Fabrega P.O. Box 7615 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 226-1142 Fax: (507) 226-3860 Instituto Panameno de Turismo (IPAT) (Tourism Institute of Panama) Director General, Pedro Campagnani P.O. Box 4421 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 226-7414 or 226-3751 Fax: (507) 226-3483 Instituto Panameno de Comercio Exterior (IPCE) (Panama Trade Development Institute) Director General, Roy Rivera P.O. Box 6-1897 Panama 6, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 225-7244 Fax: (507) 225-2193 Instituto de Recursos Hidraulicos y Electrificacion (IRHE) (National Power and Light Company) Director General, Ramon Argote P.O. Box 5285 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-2240 Fax: (507) 262-9294 Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (INTEL) (National Telephone Company) Director General, Juan Ramon Porras P.O. Box 659 Panama 9A, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 223-8620 Fax: (507) 264-5743 Instituto de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Nacionales (IDAAN) (National Water Works Company) Director General, Jose Fierro P.O. Box 5234 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 223-8640 Fax: (507) 264-0034 Inter-American Development Bank (In-country office and representative) Representative, Bolivar Santa Cruz Avenida Samuel Lewis, Edif. Banco Union, Piso 14 Apartado Postal 7297 Panama 5, Rep. of Panama Tel: (507) 263-6944 Fax: (507) 263-6183 TRADE ASSOCIATIONS American Chamber of Commerce and Industry Executive Director - Fred Denton P.O. Box 168, Balboa Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 269-3881 Fax: (507) 223-3508 Asociacion de Comerciantes y Distribuidores de Viveres y Similares de Panama (ACOVIPA) (Food Retailers and Distributors Association of Panama) Executive Director - Jose Ma. Espino P.O. Box 6-3594 Panama 6, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 261-4304 Fax: (507) 261-2346 Asociacion de Distribuidores de Automoviles de Panama (ADAP) (Automobile Distributors Association) Executive Director - Simon de la Rosa P.O. Box 476 Panama 9A, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 261-1264 Fax: (507) 261-0906 Asociacion de Usuarios de la Zona Libre de Colon (Colon Free Zone Users Association) Executive Director - Galo Pinto de la Ossa P.O. Box 3118, Zona Libre de Colon Colon, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 441-4244 Fax: (507) 441-4347 Asociacion Nacional de Desarrollo Economico (Fundacion ANDE) (National Association of Economic Development) Executive Director - Carlos G. de Obaldia P.O. Box 6-3390, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-7979 Fax: (507) 264-9280 Asociacion Nacional de la Industria Pesquera Panamena (ANDELAIPP) (National Fisheries Association) Executive Director - Gustavo Justines P.O. Box 5062 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 251-0317 Fax: (507) 251-1995 Asociacion Nacional de Ganaderos (ANAGAN) (National Cattlemen's Association) President - Boabdil Bernal P.O. Box 6494 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 225-1236 or 225-1337 Fax: (507) 225-1337 Asociacion Panamena de Ejecutivos de Empresa (APEDE) (Panamanian Association of Business Executives) Executive Director - Domingo de Obaldia P.O. Box 1331 Panama 1, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-3511 or 227-4085 Fax: (507) 227-1872 Asociacion Panamena de Exportadores (APEX) (Exporters Association of Panama) Executive Director - Daniel Vega P.O. Box 6-6527 Panama 6, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 230-0284 or 230-0169 Fax: (507) 230-0805 Camara de Comercio, Industria y Agricultura de Panama (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Panama) Executive Director - Jose Ramon Varela P.O. Box 74 Panama 1, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-1285 or 227-1445 Fax: (507) 227-4186 or 225-3653 Camara Panamena de la Construccion (CAPAC) (Construction Chamber of Panama) Executive Director - Eduardo Rodriguez Apartado 6793 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 264-2255 Fax: (507) 264-2384 Camara Minera de Panama (Mining Chamber of Panama) President, Julio C. Bennedetti P.O. Box 55-2646 Paitilla Panama, Rep. of Panama Tel: (507) 226-1769 Fax: (507) 226-3967 Sindicato de Industriales de Panama (SIP) (Industrialists Association of Panama) Executive Director - Daniel Vega P.O. Box 6-4798 Panama 6, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 230-0284 or 230-0169 Fax: (507) 230-0805 Union Nacional de Peque¤as y Medianas Empresas (UMPYME) (National Association of Small and Medium Sized Businesses) Executive Director - Xiomara de Hall P.O. Box 6-10027, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 225-6040 or 225-6050 Fax: (507) 225-4325 World Trade Center of Panama Executive Director - Guillermo Ronderos P.O. Box 6-2432 Panama 6, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 269-6124 Fax: (507) 269-6126 COUNTRY COMMERCIAL BANKS Asociacion Bancaria de Panama (Banking Association of Panama) Executive Director, Ricardo Alba P.O. Box 4554 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 263-7044 Fax: (507) 263-7783 Banco del Istmo General Manager, L.J. Montague Belanger P.O. Box 6-3823, El Dorado Panama 6A, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 269-5555 Fax: (507) 263-5869 Banco General General Manager, Raul Aleman P.O. Box 4592 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-0150 Fax: (507) 227-3427 Banco Comercial de Panama General Manager, Emanuel Gonzalez Revilla P.O. Box 7659 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 263-6800 or 263-4433 Fax: (507) 263-8033 Banco Nacional de Panama General Manager, Lic. Jose Antonio de la Ossa P.O. Box 5220 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 269-2966 Fax: (507) 264-7155 The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. General Manager, Olegario Barrelier P.O. Box 9A-76 Panama 9A, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 263-5855 or 263-5877 Fax: (507) 263-6009 Citibank, N.A. General Manager, Dionisio Koo P.O. Box 555 Panama 9A, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 236-4044 Fax: (507) 236-1025 PRIBANCO, Primer Banco de Ahorros General Manager, Joaquin De La Guardia P.O. Box 7322 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 227-2225 Fax: (507) 227-4037 The First National Bank of Boston General Manager, Luis Navarro P.O. Box 5368 Panama 5, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 264-2244 or 64-2146 Fax: (507) 223-4089 COUNTRY MARKET RESEARCH FIRMS Ditcher & Neira - Marketing Consultant Director General, Leopoldo Neira P.O. Box 6-7373, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 264-3466 Fax: (507) 223-1174 Data Market - Marketing Consultant President, Albino De Leon P.O. Box 6-86, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 223-3974 Fax: (507) 223-3936 Jaime Porcell & Asociados President, Jaime A. Porcell P.O. Box 4760 Panama 5, Rep. of Panama Tel: (507) 226-0438 Fax: (507) 226-7390 MAJOR ADVERTISING AGENCIES APCU de Panama, associated to James Walter Thompson Manager, Ricardo Mendez P.O. Box 6-7291, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 263-9288 Fax: (507) 263-9698 Boyd, Barcenas, S.A., associated to LINTA Manager, Rafael Barcenas P.O. Box 11373 Panama 6, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 263-9300 Fax: (507) 263-9692 FERGO, associated to Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising President, Tony Fergo P.O. Box 6-6249, El Dorado Panama, Republic of Panama Tel: (507) 263-8811 Fax: (507) 263-8892 DDB Needham Worldwide President, Maria del Carmen Campagnani de Navarro P.O. Box 5187 Panama, Rep. of Panama Tel: (507) 269-7622 Fax: (507) 264-9622 Conte/McCann-Erickson Manager, Norberto Esposito P.O. Box 7025 Panama 5, Rep. of Panama Tel: (507) 263-5155 Fax: (507) 263-7578 Cerebro/Young & Rubican General Manager, Stuart Svenson P.O. Box 7188 Panama 5, Rep. de Panama Tel: (507) 263-7355 Fax: (507) 264-1689 APPENDIX F MARKET RESEARCH Non-Agricultural Market Research Industry Sector Analyses (ISA) - U.S. Department of Commerce FY-1995 - Automotive: Engine Parts/Suspension Parts (December 1994) - Building Products: Non-Lumber (January 1995) - Medical Equipment: Disposables (April 1995) - Food Processing Equipment: Beverages/Diary/Poultry/Meat (June 1995) - Security and Safety Equipment (July 1995) - Refrigeration Equipment: Industrial (September 1995) FY-1996 - Automotive Parts & Services Equipment (Nov. 1995) - Medical Equipment (January 1996) - Financial Services (April 1996) - Telecommunications Equipment (May 1996) - Computer and Peripherals (July 1996) - Electrical Power Systems (September 1996) Agricultural Market Research U.S. Department of Agriculture - 1995 Agricultural Situation, Panama (March 1995) - 1996 Agricultural Situation, Panama (March 1996)
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